Thursday, August 01, 2013

Harry Potter Is A Leo

Harry Potter's birthday was July 31st.
Lord Kiddie can picture him playing quidditch
in this baseball tee

When he was through he might be caught writing strategy in his Leo Kiddie Journal

Here is Harry's Kiddiegram
and a little tidbit from his Gram

Pluto in 10th house:
     This child may have a very difficult relationship with authority, beginning with his father. Power and how it is wielded in the world fascinates him and is connected both to his vocation and to his key life lessons.  In other words, he could be a leader or an agent of change and healing in the world, but he will have to heal his own resentment toward the powers-that-be.

The KiddieGram Report for

Harry James Potter
July 31, 1980
5:00 PM
Lavenham, England

Planet Kiddie


Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into his unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie his parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then he exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in his life. For example, a statement that he is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that he vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.

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The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun      8 Leo 34               Pluto    19 Lib 16
Moon     0 Ari 40               N. Node  20 Leo 13
Mercury 19 Can 11               Asc.     10 Sag 30
Venus   25 Gem 40               MC       11 Lib 06
Mars    12 Lib 07               2nd cusp 17 Cap 34
Jupiter 11 Vir 34               3rd cusp  3 Pis 55
Saturn  24 Vir 01               5th cusp  6 Tau 28
Uranus  21 Sco 30               6th cusp 25 Tau 02
Neptune 20 Sag 09

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 16:00:00   Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 52 N 06    0 E 47  

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min


     The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.

Sagittarius Rising:

     An eager explorer, restless wanderer, high-spirited and energetic adventurer, this child is bound to keep you on the go. Even from a very young age, he is very curious and hates to be contained in any way. As a baby, he will need a great deal of motion (bouncing, going for outings in his stroller, being carried in a backpack), and later on when he is mobile himself, you may have a hard time keeping up with him. He needs plenty of space to dance, prance, gallop, cavort, and generally release his overflowing energy. He can be quite boisterous and wild in his play and he often has no sense of self-restraint or moderation. He is a bit of a daredevil, and if it has never been done before, he wants to do it. He can also be rather overwhelming to quieter, more cautious children, but on the other hand, his liveliness and good cheer tends to be contagious. He brings out the playfulness in other people.

     There is an open, welcoming friendliness about him that others find quite appealing. He seems to expect good times, and he enjoys sharing them. He likes having many playmates, and while he may have a favorite, he does not like to be limited or held back by anyone. In fact, he balks at restrictions of any kind, and finding a balance between giving him free rein to express himself and setting reasonable limits, is likely to be an ongoing challenge for you. When you want him to do something, you must enlist his cooperation and appeal to his higher instincts and strong sense of fair play. Commands and heavy displays of authority will create much resentment and resistance in him, but if you treat him with respect, he will generally respond admirable.

     Harry is unflinchingly truthful, also, and his blunt honesty can be both refreshing and appalling at times. He sees right through hypocrisy and pretenses and he is not shy about pointing them out. He will probably need some gentle schooling in the art of diplomacy and of protecting people's feelings. His good humor and good will are obvious, however, and therefore many people do not take offense at what otherwise might be a real blow!

Asc. Trine Sun:

     Harry is expressive and enjoys showing what he can do. He likes to be seen and seems to need to be in the limelight, performing publicly or demonstrating his talents in some way.

     He also has a strong sense of pride and does not readily show his weaknesses or inadequacies to anyone.

Asc. Sextile Mars:

     Harry acts as if he knows what he wants, and he does not back down when challenged. He asserts his desires and rights, and his friends learn to heed him when he states his point of view. Active, vital, and energetic, he is inclined to rush into situations without thinking. He gets impatient if he must sit quietly or wait for anything too long.

Asc. Square Jupiter:

     Generally, Harry is good-humored, open, and positive, and he makes friends and contacts with people easily. He has a helpful, tolerant, and generous attitude that inspires others to like and trust him..

     He does have a tendency to exaggerate or to be overly optimistic; and sometimes, he promises (with good intentions) far more than he is able to really do.


     The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Leo:

     Harry is very concerned with becoming a person of distinction and importance, and as a child this is likely to be expressed as a great need for special recognition, attention, praise, and applause. He relishes the limelight, loves to be made much of, and will positively glow with delight when he is the center of attention. Above all else he cannot tolerate being ignored or considered mediocre, "just one of the crowd." He possesses an inherent sense of dignity and pride, and he wants to be outstanding and special. He is also strong-willed, definitely a force to be reckoned with. Unless you want a small dictator on your hands, you will often have to be very firm with him. He is very stubborn and persistent when he wants something, and you will have to be equally so. But even though he is likely to strongly resist your rules or disciplinary actions at times, he will also secretly admire you for it if you are truly just and do not violate his sense of self-respect. Humiliate him and he will never forgive you. And he has a real horror of being embarrassed in front of others.

     In a group of children, Harry is inclined to be at the hub of the action. He has the ability to organize, direct, and lead others, but as a child he can also be rather overbearing, and he tends to dominate less sturdy children. On the other hand he looks up to older children or adults that win his respect, and he is inclined to have heroes, shining examples, people he wants to emulate. He needs to have positive models to inspire him to be his best.

     One of his most appealing qualities is his warm-heartedness. He is very generous and loyal in his affections, and if you love him, he will wholeheartedly adore you in return. He also has a very playful, exuberant, fun-loving side which is likely to last throughout his life.

Sun in 8th house:

     Even as a young child, Harry will be intrigued by things which are mysterious, hidden, or "taboo," and he may make embarrassing or awkward inquiries about people's sex lives, finances, and other private matters--including beliefs about death and the possibility of an afterlife.  If he's raised in a home where such probing curiosity is unwelcome, he'll probably become secretive; even in a fairly open and communicative atmosphere, he may keep a lot to himself.  He's a deeper person than many of his contemporaries.

Sun Sextile Mars:

     Harry is quite lively and energetic, and he cannot tolerate being inactive or kept still for very long. He likes to be on the go. His health and vitality are quite strong, and he prefers outdoor activities and projects to quieter pastimes.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Cancer:

     Harry's mind is like a sponge, quietly absorbing the thoughts and opinions of those around him, and he has a very retentive memory. He is very subjective in his opinions and perceptions of the world; he is more intuitive than linear and rational in his thinking.

Mercury in 8th house:

     This child has a probing mind, and he'll query his elders about the mysteries of life from a very tender age.  The life and death cycles of animals, how crystals are formed, whether or not there is an afterlife--all of the unfathomables fascinate him.  For entertainment, offer him books or films about spies, detectives, psychological mysteries, the supernatural, and horror.

Mercury Square Pluto:

     Harry has strong opinions and convictions, and he can be rather zealous to convert people to his way of thinking. Sometimes he is gripped with an idea and cannot let go of it. His mind is very deep, probing and analytical, and he can make other people rather uncomfortable with his scrutiny. Solving mysteries and unearthing the truth about anything secretive or hidden strongly appeals to him.

Mercury Trine Uranus:

     Harry has a creative, inventive mind and is often suddenly inspired with an idea or flash of insight into a problem. He is an innovator and is attracted to the most daring and radically new ideas. Astrology or other fields that combine science and intuition appeal strongly to him.


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Aries:

     High spirited and lively, this child needs action and he loves to be moving. He is attracted to anything with speed and energy, and to anything that involves challenge or competition (like running a race). He does things quickly, sometimes carelessly, and he hates to wait for anything. He can be very temperamental and impatient if the pace is too slow, and he gets frustrated with himself when he cannot master a task right away. He wants very much to be independent. He also wants very much to win, to be the first, to be the best.

     He can be bossy and domineering, is something of a fighter, and will passionately defend the people he loves or the causes he believes in.

     He is inclined to sudden bursts of anger or irritability, especially when overstimulated by his environment (too much noise and excitement, television, etc.), or confined for too long (as in a long car ride). Outdoor activity and physical play is very essential.

     He may be a fitful, restless sleeper or adamantly resist going to bed at night, especially in his youngest years.

     Emotionally he may seem quite self-sufficient, as he dislikes depending on others' help. Sometimes he acts angry or upset, when underneath he is really feeling afraid or hurt or when he is needing comfort or reassurance. You may have to see past his "fireworks display" and probe a little to understand what is really going on with him.

     Sometimes he simply insists on "doing his own thing" and he may not fit in or conform.
Moon in 3rd house:

     Whatever opinions or prejudices Harry is raised with will stay with him for a long time, and much of his thinking will be colored by his subjective feelings rather than by clear logic. The positive side of this is that he is able to articulate his feelings and talk about the things that bother him instead of "acting out" his repressed anger, sadness, etc.  He's likely to be interested in reading about people's personal lives.  A good biography will always be a welcome gift.  He may also be very interested in learning about certain historical eras to which he feels an emotional attraction.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Gemini:

     Harry is something of a social butterfly, and he enjoys meeting new people and having a variety of friends. He has a light, playful, witty side and is fun to be with. He does not like to feel that others possess him or limit his freedom, and he gets bored playing with the same friends or doing the same things over and over. He loves to entertain and to be entertained.

Venus in 7th house:

     This child will never lack love, affection, friends, or companions.  He has an appealing warmth that melts hearts.  He will often play the role of mediator, peacemaker or harmonizer. He especially delights in seeing love expressed between his parents and other adult couples in his life.

Venus Square Saturn:

     Harry needs much reassurance that he is wanted, valued, and worthy of love; otherwise, he is inclined to feel alienated and afraid to trust people. Though he very much wants friends, it may be hard for him to get close to people. He is likely to have just a few close friends that he keeps for a long time, and to be ill-at-ease in social situations or when meeting new people.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.

Mars in Libra:

     Harry hesitates to act decisively and assertively unless he has the support and approval of others. Sometimes he is very pushy or argumentative in his effort to get others to agree with him and give him the go-ahead.

Mars in 10th house:

     Harry has a great deal of drive and ambition, and he may know from a tender age what he wants to achieve in his life.  His self-motivation and desire to act independently or on his own behalf can arouse hostility or opposition from those in authority.  He may be seen as an upstart, a troublemaker, but actually he just wants to do his own thing, not overturn the established order.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Virgo:

     Harry is spontaneously and generously helpful.  He sincerely enjoys serving others, assisting the teacher, or being Mom or Dad's faithful helper.  And while he certainly appreciates praise for a job well done, he feels the greatest satisfaction in doing the job.  He's also clearly aware of his need for improvement and generally accepts criticism quite willingly.  In fact, he frequently turns away from compliments or applause. He has an appealing natural humility.

Sometimes other children may see him as "too good," and truth be told, Harry can be a bit too exacting, sometimes even a bit preachy, about following the rules.

Jupiter in 9th house:

     Harry is an insatiable learner, and is extremely interested in anything new, exotic, or foreign--be it ideas, people, or even food.  Naturally cosmopolitan, he'll want to travel widely to expand his understanding of the world.  Parents and teachers may notice that after a trip to a faraway or previously unexplored place, he's remarkably more confident and buoyant.  A subscription to National Geographic magazine would inspire him. He would truly enjoy sponsoring a foreign exchange student, or being one himself.  Tolerant of cultural or other differences among people, he's apt to acquire a wide variety of friends.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which he is especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.

Saturn in Virgo:

     Harry tends to be a perfectionist, with very exacting standards for himself and the people around him.  Like Beatrix Potter's Mrs. Tittlemouse, he can be a "terribly tidy particular little person," fretting over details that less discerning souls easily overlook.  When he is a very young child, his family may find this humorous or endearing as he chides the grown ups to arrange his shoes "just so" in the closet or put the postage stamp on the envelope in exactly the right place.  To the sibling who shares a bedroom with him, however, this may not seem so very charming.

     Harry has a penchant for dissecting, scrutinizing, analyzing, organizing, categorizing, and obsessing over minutiae because he wants to "get it right."  When he turns this acutely critical eye on himself, he condemns his own failings and perceives blemishes that others scarcely notice.  Because of this perception, a feeling of "not good enough" could become chronic. He's easily shamed: A harsh word or a withering look can engender enormous feelings of inferiority or worthlessness, though he may not appear to be affected.  Nothing escapes this one!  He's relentlessly observant.

     Parents, teachers, coaches, and others who supervise his development would do well to encourage him to take a more relaxed and accepting attitude toward mistakes and failures and to strive for a broader perspective.  (If he doesn't turn in his homework assignment precisely on time, it will probably not RUIN HIS LIFE.)

     Minor health problems can arise from his worry and anxiety over his work and his performance.  If he can relax just a little, all this can become an asset.  He does, after all, handle details--facts, data, trivia--extremely well, and his powers of observation, organization, and analysis will be great advantages in his studies and, later, in his work.

Saturn in 9th house:

     Accepting other people's beliefs, faith, or outlook on life won't always be easy for Harry.  Unless he's encouraged to be tolerant and open-minded, he may limit his experience considerably because of this lack of imagination or inability to visualize different ways of seeing and doing things.  Becoming personally acquainted with people whose cultures or religions differ from his own can help to break down barriers and prevent the development of a narrow, insular attitude.

Saturn Square Neptune:

     Harry is apt to go through periods of doubt, discouragement, or pessimism, especially regarding his own possibilities and/or the state of the world.  Negative and dispiriting messages from the media can have a pernicious effect upon him, parents may want to limit his exposure to especially morbid images.  Religious teachings that are punitive, frightening, and guilt-producing are also unhealthy for him.  His imagination needs to be encouraged along wholesome, hopeful, and uplifting lines.

Saturn Sextile Uranus:

     Harry's insecurities can sometimes be allayed by his curiosity and delight in surprise and novelty.  For instance, leaving a much loved home or neighborhood could be unsettling, but framing the move as a chance to build a treehouse in the new backyard or to have his own bedroom that he can decorate however he wishes is apt to ease the transition.  Bring a piece of the old into the new and he'll be happy.


     The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent

North Node in 8th House in Leo:

     Harry is a natural investigator with the urge to delve into difficult problems or things that have an element of secretiveness, mystery, or the unknown. He's a deep sea diver and he won't be satisfied with simplistic answers to his profound questions. His destiny involves fearlessly probing into what others may consider dangerous, inappropriate, taboo, or simply unknowable. As a young child he may be inclined to ask "nosy" personal questions of complete strangers, or confound his elders with his uncanny awareness of what is really going on underneath the surface appearance of things. He has and instinctive gift for handling emergencies, crisis situations, and difficulties of all kinds.

     The qualities Harry needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are belief in himself and the willingness to following his own heart, rather than concerning himself with what his peers want or think about him. A healthy dose of "selfishness" is in his own, and ultimately everyone else's, best interests.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Scorpio:

     Those in this age group (1974-1981) challenge and break through barriers and taboos regarding death, sex, and other very intimate and emotionally-charged issues. There will be extremists and fanatics among them, as they try to bring about changes in these areas. They also deal with their own difficult and tumultuous emotions, which may be reflected in a taste for bizarre art forms, music, etc.

Uranus in 11th house:

     Harry's collection of friends is apt to be lively, unusual, and varied because he enjoys mixing incongruous elements and experimenting socially.  Even if he appears conservative or "mainstream" himself,  he is drawn to others who are not.  Tolerance for differences, acceptance of extremes, and investigating socail customs and cultures quite divergent from his own is important to him.  Prejudice and social inequalities rankle him.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

     Tremendous idealism, far-reaching vision, and a wide-open, expanded outlook on life characterize this age group (1970-1984). They believe that anything is possible and often overlook the immediate, obvious, and practical realities of a situation in their quest for something grander, freer, or more encompassing. Ungrounded speculation, airy fantasy, and the tendency to idealize whatever is foreign, faraway, or unattainable are the pitfalls of this age group. However, since their minds are not prematurely set and closed to new possibilities, they are likely to discover truths that more earth-bound minds would never see.

Neptune in 1st house:

     Harry embodies many of the characteristics described above in a very immediate way.  He is definitely an idealist and a dreamer, and may seem somewhat vague or unfocused at times.  Sensitive and easily moved, this is not a child that requires strong reprimands or disciplinary actions. Instead, he responds to empathy, patience, and gentle coaching.  Generally not a trouble maker, he may melt into the background at times, so he needs to be acknowledged and taken into account even when he's not very forward about it.

     Harry is somewhat chameleon-like and takes on the characteristics of his environment rather readily.  Choosing a wholesome environment that feels good to him can be very helpful.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

     Those born during this generation have the opportunity to advance spirituality and a consciousness of unity, universality, and brother/sisterhood.  Only a few individuals may heed the call, but many will be influenced by them.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Libra:

     Marriage and/or personal relationships tend to be obsessions with those in this age group (born 1971-1984), and equality, justice, and fair treatment in those relationships are passionate concerns. An awareness of the inevitability and need for continual change within a relationship may make them cautious about making permanent commitments. However, the need to experience deep connectedness and relatedness also compels them. Overcoming dependencies, fears, and resistances to deep sharing are major challenges for them.

Pluto in 10th house:

     This child may have a very difficult relationship with authority, beginning with his father. Power and how it is wielded in the world fascinates him and is connected both to his vocation and to his key life lessons.  In other words, he could be a leader or an agent of change and healing in the world, but he will have to heal his own resentment toward the powers-that-be.