Sunday, April 07, 2013

She's Just So Into Her: Drew Barrymoore and Olive

Photo of Drew Barrymore granted by Angela George via Wikipedia Common's License Photo taken at the premiere of He's Just Not Into You., February 2009

Drew Barrymore gave birth to a daughter Olive September 26, 2012. People's cover story ran nine weeks after Olive's arrival in Los Angeles. Olive's Dad is art consultant Will Kopelman. The origin of Olive's name is discussed in this amusing omg blog on yahoo.

Mademoiselle Kiddie does not have the time of Olive's birth, so she's calculated a guesstimate chart calculated with her sun in Libra on her ascendant. Olive's partial Kiddiegram report indicates she has a Moon in Aquarius.

If you have a lovely, lucky Libra child born on September 26, 2012 and know the time of birth (am or pm) and place of birth, Lord Kiddie will be happy to send you a pdf file of of your child's Kiddiegram report in French, Spanish or English! To contact Lord Kiddie email him. To calculate  a Kiddiegram for a child who is not Olive Kopelman's astro-twin, visit Planet