Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today, January 21, 2010 the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. Some years on January 21st a child born on
January 21 will have a sun sign in the sign of Capricorn. To check out your child's sun-sign go to Kiddiegram's site and calculate a free mini-report.  If your child is born on January 21st and you are the first to calculate
a free mini report on-line Mlle Kiddie will contact you and send you this $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble.
The lucky winner's name (or the first name of the child and city and details of birth) will be posted on this blog
along with their chart wheel. If no winner emerges in the next week, Mlle Kiddie will put the card into her files for next year.

We only have one card, we will show other pictures as well @Kiddiegram.