The KiddieGram Report for
September 6, 2006
8:27 AM
Tokyo, Japan* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 13 Vir 15 Pluto 24 Sag 05
Moon 17 Aqu 50 N. Node 25 Pis 22
Mercury 17 Vir 41 Asc. 21 Lib 54
Venus 29 Leo 39 MC 24 Can 32
Mars 28 Vir 35 2nd cusp 20 Sco 01
Jupiter 14 Sco 09 3rd cusp 21 Sag 15
Saturn 18 Leo 34 5th cusp 27 Aqu 16
Uranus 12 Pis 44 6th cusp 26 Pis 47
Neptune 17 Aqu 45
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 23:27:00 Time Zone: 9 hours East
Lat. and Long. of birth: 35 N 42 139 E 46
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 MinSextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
ASCENDANT The RISING SIGN in the birth chart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this
child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.
Libra Rising: Hisahito has a pleasant, agreeable, non-threatening manner that makes other people feel comfortable and at ease. He is eager to please, willing to cooperate and meet others halfway, and likely to be very well-liked. Friendship and approval from other people are extremely important to him, and he finds it very hard to do anything that might be unpopular.
He does not want to step on anyone's toes. He is inclined to change his ideas or his plans based on how other people respond to him. He much prefers having company to being alone, and as a young child, he can be quite dependent on your constant attention and interaction with him.
Regardless of how he is feeling inside, he seems balanced and harmonious outwardly. He does not like to show his unpleasant feelings, and he tends to sugar-coat or simply ignore anything that is not particularly nice. Tactful and polite, he avoids confrontation, preferring to use charm rather than more direct or assertive ways to achieve his ends. He also likes to bring people together, and he will often be the peacemaker in his circle of friends. He is very concerned with fairness, and one of the few times he will really assert himself strongly is when he perceives injustice or inequality. (This applies to "His piece of cake is larger than mine" as well as concern for broader social justice!).
Beautiful surroundings, artistic arrangements, and refined appearances are important to Hisahito. His own appearance is rather important to him, and he is likely to be somewhat vain or at least quite concerned that he looks good. He judges by appearances, too, especially when he is young.
Asc. Trine Moon: Hisahito is apt to be ery well-liked because he seems to instinctively understand people and give them the kinds of strokes and empathy they really want. He helps them feel a sense of safety and belonging and will take them under his wing if need be. At the same time he thrives in an atmosphere that is personal and emotionally supportive. A small classroom where everyone is on a first-name basis suits him far better than a more impersonal and competitive one, for instance. Good feelings and "good vibes" are what he's after.
Asc. Sextile Saturn: Hisahito appears responsible, mature, and conscientious, and he has a realistic, adult-like attitude toward life even at a young age. He may be rather shy and careful about expressing himself, also.
Asc. Trine Neptune: Hisahito blends into his surroundings and seems to absorb or pick up other people's behavior and emotions, so it is important for him to be in a healthy, positive environment. He has a gentle, yielding quality about him, and he is rather impressionable as a child.
He loves fantasy play and imaginative, whimsical games. He may seem a bit
other-worldly at times.
Asc. Sextile Pluto: Anything hidden, secretive, mysterious, or taboo holds great fascination for Hisahito, and he questions and probes until he gets answers. He loves to investigate the unknown.
SUN The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).
Sun in Virgo:
Innately humble, shy, and self-effacing, Hisahito is likely to be much more talented and lovable than he gives himself credit for. He has an inward, serious, intelligent disposition, and tends to quietly observe before entering into any situation. He is usually well-behaved, polite, well-mannered, and careful, with a strong desire to "do the right thing." His conscientiousness, in fact, may be carried to extremes, and he is often very hard on himself when he makes a mistake or does not meet the high standards he sets for himself. It is as if there is a very exacting Critic within him, and he is always trying to be perfect in order to please that aspect of himself. He needs a lot of assurance, warm acceptance, and encouragement to feel good about himself and to learn to ease up and be gentler with himself.
Hisahito has a mind that loves to categorize, classify, analyze, and organize. He may
arrange his belongings very neatly and not wish them to be rearranged in any way. He can be particular about his room or his appearance: everything must be "just so."
He has the ability to deal with meticulous detail and is very skillful with his hands. He
also enjoys being helpful and he feels good about himself when he can assist you or do
something necessary and practical to help you or others. Developing practical knowledge
and skills increases his self confidence. Generous praise for all of his efforts, and helping him find things he can do really well, will go a long way to bring out the best side of him.
Socially he may seem a bit cool until he knows the other person well - and then he is
likely to be quite devoted. He also likes to care for pets, especially small, gentle creatures
like birds or hamsters.
Sun in 11th house:
Hisahito's social world and friendships are extremely important to him. He shines in
groups and in cooperative endeavors and is apt to feel at loose ends when left to his own
devices. For instance, growing up in a fairly remote rural setting might be very nourishing and inspiring for some children, but for him it is limiting and probably boring. Teams, clubs, and other groups which he and his peers can join are his cup of tea.
Sun Conjunct Mercury:
Hisahito enjoys and needs to communicate, and he is apt to be an avid talker from an
early age. Expect a continual stream of questions, comments, and conversation on every
topic. You may need to encourage him to listen more, as he tends to be the more active,
vocal participant in a discussion. He appreciates a lively, mentally stimulating environment with plenty to do and think about. Puzzles, word games, and books may be his favorite play things.
Sun Opposition Uranus:
At times Hisahito is very rebellious, contrary, and resistant to rules or restrictions of any kind. As a young child, the best way to get him to do what you wish him to, is to tell him he cannot!
He dislikes bowing to convention or to the authority and dictates of other people, and he likes to experiment with different, unusual, or offbeat ways of doing things. He may choose some odd friends, as he is drawn to creative and unconventional people.
Sun Sextile Jupiter:
Hisahito may well have more than an average amount of "good luck" or benefits flowing to him. Success and opportunities come more easily to him than to others, and he will have an abundance of gifts to be grateful for. He is also an open, giving person and he shares generously with his friends. The only negative possibility is that he may become lax and expect everything to be handed to him.
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind
works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Virgo:
Hisahito's mind is clear, critical, and precise, and he pays meticulous attention to details. He dissects each idea presented to him, picking it apart in order to study it. He is also skillful with his hands and may enjoy handicrafts, needlework, and the like.
Mercury in 11th house:
Hisahito loves to get together with friends to share ideas and common interests. Hobby clubs with an intellectual bent, such as the chess club or Future Scientists of America, are his cup of tea. Putting together a newsletter or a magazine with a bunch of other kids his age might be a satisfying activity. Outside of structured activities, he enjoys just chatting or "shooting the breeze" with his friends.
Mercury Opposition Uranus:
Mental stimulation and the excitement of new ideas and discoveries is very necessary for Hisahito. Quick to grasp new concepts, he is drawn to the most daring or radically
innovative ideas. He tends to act on his ideas rather impulsively and is impatient with duller or more methodical minds.
Mercury Sextile Jupiter:
Hisahito is an avid learner, but he may not have much mental discipline. His ideal learning environment would be one in which he could converse and ask questions of people with varying viewpoints and experiences, rather than studying quietly on his own. Technical subjects are unlikely to hold his interest. Travel and learning about foreign cultures and ideas is very appealing to him.
The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Aquarius:
This is a child who seems to crave independence right from the start, and he will not want to be snuggled all of the time, or hovered over.
He may have rather erratic and unpredictable emotional rhythms, sleep cycles, food preferences, etc., so that you can never be quite certain how he will feel at any given time. Or he may have a regular schedule and fairly constant tastes, but they are likely to be unusual or offbeat in some way - and he resists fitting himself into someone else's pattern..
He is drawn to anything out of the ordinary, novel, or different, and he has a pronounced unconventional streak. He feels oppressed and bored by standard, tried-and-true ways of doing things and he insists on having the freedom to experiment and try new paths. He is stubborn about doing things his way, in his own distinctive style, regardless of social custom or tradition. Certainly you can teach him consideration for others, but rules and customs that have no real purpose other than "We have always done it this way," mean little to him.
He is very open-minded and tolerant toward people who are different from himself and his own family. His sympathies are broad and universal, and he has strong altruistic impulses. He seems instinctively to understand that we are all part of a larger whole, and he may feel just as connected to the folks on the other side of the globe as he does to his blood relations.
He is often indifferent to sentiment and emotion, and is remarkably logical, objective, clear, and rational for a young one.
Though he seems coolly detached at times, he should be given a lot of loving attention and warmth. Otherwise, he can get too distant from his own feelings. Also, he is very idealistic. He tries too hard to be fair to everyone and he may not allow himself perfectly human, natural emotions such as jealousy, sadness, or dependency.
Moon in 4th house:
Hisahito will always be extremely attached to home and family, and he may seem to need a lot of emotional sustenance, especially from his mother (or female caregiver). He retreats into his own private space--his bedroom or some other little nook--whenever he feels threatened. Moving this "base of security"--to a new town or even a new home--can be quite upsetting and stressful for him. At such times, he may temporarily regress to somewhat babyish behavior.
Moon Conjunct Neptune:
Hisahito is impressionable, receptive, and rather passive, and he is highly sensitive to other people's feelings and the overall emotional tone of his surroundings. He likes to daydream and look things up in his imagination. He has a strong affinity for the ocean.
He would rather withdraw than fight when disagreements arise; he avoids emotional confrontations as much as possible.
Moon Opposition Saturn:
Though he may seem aloof, Hisahito is really quite shy, cautious, and afraid of not being accepted and included. He needs a lot of warmth and love from his family, in order to learn to trust and open up with others.
Moon Square Jupiter:
Good-humored, friendly, and cheerful, Hisahito has a happy effect on those around him and is likely to have many friends. Emotionally giving and open, he loves to treat his friends. He needs to learn that there can be too much of a good thing. Overeating and other forms of indulgent behavior may be hard for him to control.
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Leo:
Hisahito very much wants to be admired, petted, and made much of by his friends, and he is lavish in his affection for others as well. He can be greedy for attention, and he very much dislikes being ignored or seen as just one of the crowd. There is a streak of vanity in him. Positively, he is warm, demonstrative, loyal and generous with people he cares about.
Venus in 11th house:
Agreeable and happy in a social setting, Hisahito will be an asset to any group he joins. He loves good company and usually is good company. He cannot tolerate too much solitude; indeed, he wilts without friends and the pleasures of society and community.
MARS MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.
Mars in Virgo: Hisahito can be rather timid about asserting himself. He tends to underestimate himself and to get irritated when he or others do not do everything "perfectly." Also, his energy level fluctuates, and his stamina may not be very great.
Mars in 12th house: Asserting his own will or winning at the expense of someone else doesn't come easily or naturally to Hisahito. He may bottle up his aggressive energies, causing him to feel very vulnerable or suffer from a lack of self-confidence. He may also act covertly rather than openly and directly. He prefers to work behind the scenes, but he needs to be encouraged to overcome his hesitancy and his fears about asserting himself. He should not, however, be pushed into becoming more outgoing than his natural tendencies allow.
Mars Square Pluto:
Intensely strong-willed and sometimes very dominating, Hisahito is likely to meet with great opposition to his aims and ambitions. His passionate commitment and forcefulness often threatens people. He has an extraordinary amount of energy, drive, and strength, and is likely to try to overpower people or use anger as a way to control situations. If he learns to temper his willfulness with a regard for others, he is likely to accomplish a great deal.
JUPITER in the birthchart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to
grow and improve himself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Scorpio:
Daring activities which have an element of danger or mystery appeal to Hisahito. He
wants to live fully and passionately and not hold himself back from anything life has to offer. From rock climbing to scuba diving or investigating caves or other out-of-the-way places, he thrives on challenge. He seeks to grow through delving into the mysteries of life.He's also extremely resourceful and has a "nose" for opportunities. Even when he's a
youngster, his shrewd judgment of people and situations will serve him well.
Jupiter in 1st house:
Hisahito tends to be fortunate because of the positive first impression he makes on both other children and adults. Instinctively he puts his best foot forward, and comes across as a confident, open person who can afford to be generous to others. He'll want to participate in a lot of extracurricular activities, and be well known and popular at school and in the community. He could be "a big fish in a small pond" too.
Jupiter Square Saturn:
Optimism and pessimism, or belief and doubt, are often at odds within Hisahito. This
may mean he will hopefully, enthusiastically start something, but be easily disheartened by any resistance or criticism he receives. A constructive relationship with a positive role
model would be especially beneficial to him, as would a caring parent or teacher who
encourages him to stay with his original plan, and reminds him that he can withstand
criticisms and doubts.
Jupiter Square Neptune:
Hisahito believes in dreaming very big, the sky's the limit, and it may take him quite some time before he learns to temper his huge idealism and optimism with a dose of practical realism. Unless other astrological factors lend some caution and prudence, he's apt to go overboard in just about everything he does including his generousity and giving. Part of how he seeks growth and meaning is to help other people. This child tends to be a "bleeding heart".
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
Hisahito is apt to be very "lucky", escpecially when he trusts his instincts and intuition. He has an excellent sense of timing and an uncanny knack of showing up at the right place and the right time. Because he is enthusiastic and open minded he attracts opportunities to go places (both literally and figuratively) that more conservative family members will never see. Dancing, music, and other exuberant, joyful activities are important to him all his life.
The position of SATURN in your child's birthchart indicates the areas in which he is
especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.
Saturn in Leo:
Hisahito is often unable to accept external authority graciously. He wants to be the ruler and authority in his own life, and parents or teachers who try to rule him with a heavy hand will be greatly resented.
Hisahito can also be something of a snob in that he sets high standards of behavior for
himself as well as for other people. If others don't measure up, he considers them his
inferiors--no matter who they are or how much older they may be. In fact, he's apt to see
himself as better than other people and to keep apart from them, while at the same time
wanting their recognition and feeling--on a deeper level--unsure of his own worth. This
child takes himself very seriously and says, in numerous ways, "Look at me!" Yet he is also acutely self-conscious and may even be shy. To his caregivers, it may seem that he cannot get enough reassurance, personal attention, or "strokes." In fact, he needs inordinate amounts of all of these. He must constantly prove his worthiness to himself, usually by working hard to be "the best" in some area of endeavor (academic, athletic, creative, etc.) This, of course, would be fin if he didn't take it all so seriously. It would be wonderfully helpful to this child if his lovableness and worthiness were conveyed to him often--regardless of his performance.
Being at once a proud and an insecure creature, he suffers acutely from any humiliation or affront to his dignity. Teasing--especially in public--is odious to him and may, therefore, be especially tempting to others (who probably wish he'd lighten up).
Saturn in 10th house:
A fear of being publicly embarrassed or humiliated may prevent Hisahito from
participating in school plays and other performances. He'll try to avoid situations in which he's in the public eye. Even when he is very young, his reputation or public image will be important to him. Criticism from a teacher or parent in front of friends or classmates would be excruciatingly painful for him and could cause him to "shut down" or put a lid on any thought or feeling that might be unacceptable. He may shine or behave outlandishly in certain familiar situations but never in the "outside world." He'll need help with putting his fear of failure in perspective and learning to risk.
Saturn Opposition Neptune:
Hisahito tends to have vague, insubstantial fears and he may, in fact, fear the mysterious, uncontrollable aspects of life itself. It's best not to exacerbate those tendencies by exposing him to too much negative imagery or dark stories on television or in the movies. He can be spooked by them. Hisahito would benefit from simple, life-affirming rituals in everyday life, and by gaining a solid grounding in some kind of spiritual or religious tradition. However, avoid the punitive, guilt-producing kind!
The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting
with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent
North Node in 5th House in Pisces:
Hisahito's life purpose is best served by tapping into his own unique style and creative
genius, whatever form that takes. He needs to dramatize, to take center stage in his own
life. The joy and magic of creative self expression happens when he gives himself permission to do it his way, rather than needing his peers' cooperation or approval. Because he's meant to bring forth something original and unique, he can't afford to mold himself to others' expectations or tastes. He needs to be his own person and develop his personal will. The things he will do best and most successfully will all have an element of play and spontaneity. Those things that give him the most pleasure will also be his best work.
The qualities Hisahito needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are sensitivity,
empathy, compassion, and imagination.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you abut the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Pisces:
Those of this age group (2004-2012) have creative genius, unusual inspiration, and
visionary ideals. Their art, music, literature, and lifestyles will be unusual or strange to
others, and they have a rather unstable and impractical bent. They are inclined to be
discontented with the ways of the world, but without a strong desire to make positive
reforms in a practical way. Traditional religion does not suit them either, and they will
experiment with their own personal forms of mystical experience.
Uranus in 5th house:
Hisahito loves to experiment and take during risks in his creative pursuits, be they
athletic, artistic, or even social. Though he may appear quite conventional on the surface, he is drawn to freedom loving souls who give his full permission to be as outrageous as he wants to be. Improvisation, creating or performing spontaneously, and having as few rules as possible when it comes to expressing himself is his cup of tea.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime.
The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Aquarius:
This group harbors great hopes for world unity and universal brother and sisterhood. An inner group impulse toward collective awakening and a strongly futuristic, visionary,
evolutionary "dream". On the other hand, increasing globalization and impersonalization of daily life is strongly at work in their lives. How to contribute to the whole without becoming a cog in the machine is their quest.
Neptune in 4th house:
Hisahito has a very dreamy, sensitive, and private side and he needs a tranquil place to
retreat to from time to time. He would love to live in a beautiful natural setting, perhaps
near water, and if his home is not nurturing and serene he will conjure such a place in his
imagination. Home as sanctuary is very important to this child.
Pluto in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Sagittarius:
For those born at this time, the order of business is the destruction of old, limiting
concepts, philosophies, religious forms, and ideas about God or the nature of the Universe. At the same time, religious fanatics, extremists, and evangelical fundamentalists of many persuasions are likely to rise up quite strongly. There may be much conflict between those with powerful convictions of one kind or another.
Pluto in 3rd house:
Hisahito has a probing mind and he loves to delve into complex, difficult, or deep
subjects. He could be an excellent student but he's apt to have one-sided or narrowly
focused interests, to pursue them obsessively, and to negect other areas. His tendency to
ask intensely personal questions or to "grill" you even in a casual conversation may put
people off at times, (what was charming and amusing at four is much less so at fourteen).
Relationships with siblings may be thorny also. Parents or other caregivers should be alert to any potential abuses or toxic dynamics between Hisahito and his brothers and/or sisters.
The KiddieGram Report for
September 6, 2006
8:27 AM
Tokyo, Japan
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 13 Vir 15 Pluto 24 Sag 05
Moon 17 Aqu 50 N. Node 25 Pis 22
Mercury 17 Vir 41 Asc. 21 Lib 54
Venus 29 Leo 39 MC 24 Can 32
Mars 28 Vir 35 2nd cusp 20 Sco 01
Jupiter 14 Sco 09 3rd cusp 21 Sag 15
Saturn 18 Leo 34 5th cusp 27 Aqu 16
Uranus 12 Pis 44 6th cusp 26 Pis 47
Neptune 17 Aqu 45
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 23:27:00 Time Zone: 9 hours East
Lat. and Long. of birth: 35 N 42 139 E 46
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 MinSextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
The RISING SIGN in the birth chart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this
child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.
Libra Rising:
Hisahito has a pleasant, agreeable, non-threatening manner that makes other people feel comfortable and at ease. He is eager to please, willing to cooperate and meet others
halfway, and likely to be very well-liked. Friendship and approval from other people are
extremely important to him, and he finds it very hard to do anything that might be unpopular.
He does not want to step on anyone's toes. He is inclined to change his ideas or his plans
based on how other people respond to him. He much prefers having company to being
alone, and as a young child, he can be quite dependent on your constant attention and
interaction with him.
Regardless of how he is feeling inside, he seems balanced and harmonious outwardly.
He does not like to show his unpleasant feelings, and he tends to sugar-coat or simply
ignore anything that is not particularly nice. Tactful and polite, he avoids confrontation,
preferring to use charm rather than more direct or assertive ways to achieve his ends. He
also likes to bring people together, and he will often be the peacemaker in his circle of
friends. He is very concerned with fairness, and one of the few times he will really assert
himself strongly is when he perceives injustice or inequality. (This applies to "His piece of cake is larger than mine" as well as concern for broader social justice!).
Beautiful surroundings, artistic arrangements, and refined appearances are important to Hisahito. His own appearance is rather important to him, and he is likely to be somewhat vain or at least quite concerned that he looks good. He judges by appearances, too, especially when he is young.
Taking him to museums, cultural events, and so on are likely to bring out this
aesthetic-sense he has, which is already quite developed.
Asc. Trine Moon:
her than the lighter fare that othearances, too, especially when he is young.
Taking him to museums, cultural events, and so on are likely to bring out this
aesthetic-sense he has, which is already quite developed.
Asc. Sextile Saturn:
Hisahito appears responsible, mature, and conscientious, and he has a realistic,
adult-like attitude toward life even at a young age. He may be rather shy and careful about expressing himself, also.
Asc. Trine Neptune:
Hisahito blends into his surroundings and seems to absorb or pick up other people's
behavior and emotions, so it is important for him to be in a healthy, positive environment.
He has a gentle, yielding quality about him, and he is rather impressionable as a child.
He loves fantasy play and imaginative, whimsical games. He may seem a bit
other-worldly at times.
Asc. Sextile Pluto:
Anything hidden, secretive, mysterious, or taboo holds great fascination for Hisahito, and he questions and probes until he gets answers. He loves to investigate the unknown.
The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).
Sun in Virgo:
Innately humble, shy, and self-effacing, Hisahito is likely to be much more talented and lovable than he gives himself credit for. He has an inward, serious, intelligent disposition, and tends to quietly observe before entering into any situation. He is usually well-behaved, polite, well-mannered, and careful, with a strong desire to "do the right thing." His conscientiousness, in fact, may be carried to extremes, and he is often very hard on himself when he makes a mistake or does not meet the high standards he sets for himself. It is as if there is a very exacting Critic within him, and he is always trying to be perfect in order to please that aspect of himself. He needs a lot of assurance, warm acceptance, and encouragement to feel good about himself and to learn to ease up and be gentler with himself.
Hisahito has a mind that loves to categorize, classify, analyze, and organize. He may
arrange his belongings very neatly and not wish them to be rearranged in any way. He can be particular about his room or his appearance: everything must be "just so."
He has the ability to deal with meticulous detail and is very skillful with his hands. He
also enjoys being helpful and he feels good about himself when he can assist you or do
something necessary and practical to help you or others. Developing practical knowledge
and skills increases his self confidence. Generous praise for all of his efforts, and helping him find things he can do really well, will go a long way to bring out the best side of him.
Socially he may seem a bit cool until he knows the other person well - and then he is
likely to be quite devoted. He also likes to care for pets, especially small, gentle creatures
like birds or hamsters.
Sun in 11th house:
Hisahito's social world and friendships are extremely important to him. He shines in
groups and in cooperative endeavors and is apt to feel at loose ends when left to his own
devices. For instance, growing up in a fairly remote rural setting might be very nourishing and inspiring for some children, but for him it is limiting and probably boring. Teams, clubs, and other groups which he and his peers can join are his cup of tea.
Sun Conjunct Mercury:
Hisahito enjoys and needs to communicate, and he is apt to be an avid talker from an
early age. Expect a continual stream of questions, comments, and conversation on every
topic. You may need to encourage him to listen more, as he tends to be the more active,
vocal participant in a discussion. He appreciates a lively, mentally stimulating environment with plenty to do and think about. Puzzles, word games, and books may be his favorite play things.
Sun Opposition Uranus:
At times Hisahito is very rebellious, contrary, and resistant to rules or restrictions of any kind. As a young child, the best way to get him to do what you wish him to, is to tell him he cannot!
He dislikes bowing to convention or to the authority and dictates of other people, and he likes to experiment with different, unusual, or offbeat ways of doing things. He may choose some odd friends, as he is drawn to creative and unconventional people.
Sun Sextile Jupiter:
Hisahito may well have more than an average amount of "good luck" or benefits flowing to him. Success and opportunities come more easily to him than to others, and he will have an abundance of gifts to be grateful for. He is also an open, giving person and he shares generously with his friends. The only negative possibility is that he may become lax and expect everything to be handed to him.
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind
works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Virgo:
Hisahito's mind is clear, critical, and precise, and he pays meticulous attention to details. He dissects each idea presented to him, picking it apart in order to study it. He is also skillful with his hands and may enjoy handicrafts, needlework, and the like.
Mercury in 11th house:
Hisahito loves to get together with friends to share ideas and common interests. Hobby clubs with an intellectual bent, such as the chess club or Future Scientists of America, are his cup of tea. Putting together a newsletter or a magazine with a bunch of other kids his age might be a satisfying activity. Outside of structured activities, he enjoys just chatting or "shooting the breeze" with his friends.
Mercury Opposition Uranus:
Mental stimulation and the excitement of new ideas and discoveries is very necessary for Hisahito. Quick to grasp new concepts, he is drawn to the most daring or radically
innovative ideas. He tends to act on his ideas rather impulsively and is impatient with duller or more methodical minds.
Mercury Sextile Jupiter:
Hisahito is an avid learner, but he may not have much mental discipline. His ideal learning environment would be one in which he could converse and ask questions of people with varying viewpoints and experiences, rather than studying quietly on his own. Technical subjects are unlikely to hold his interest. Travel and learning about foreign cultures and ideas is very appealing to him.
The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Aquarius:
This is a child who seems to crave independence right from the start, and he will not
want to be snuggled all of the time, or hovered over.
He may have rather erratic and unpredictable emotional rhythms, sleep cycles, food
preferences, etc., so that you can never be quite certain how he will feel at any given time. Or he may have a regular schedule and fairly constant tastes, but they are likely to be unusual or offbeat in some way - and he resists fitting himself into someone else's pattern..
He is drawn to anything out of the ordinary, novel, or different, and he has a pronounced unconventional streak. He feels oppressed and bored by standard, tried-and-true ways of doing things and he insists on having the freedom to experiment and try new paths. He is stubborn about doing things his way, in his own distinctive style, regardless of social custom or tradition. Certainly you can teach him consideration for others, but rules and customs that have no real purpose other than "We have always done it this way," mean little to him.
He is very open-minded and tolerant toward people who are different from himself and his own family. His sympathies are broad and universal, and he has strong altruistic
impulses. He seems instinctively to understand that we are all part of a larger whole, and he may feel just as connected to the folks on the other side of the globe as he does to his blood relations.
He is often indifferent to sentiment and emotion, and is remarkably logical, objective,
clear, and rational for a young one.
Though he seems coolly detached at times, he should be given a lot of loving attention
and warmth. Otherwise, he can get too distant from his own feelings. Also, he is very
idealistic. He tries too hard to be fair to everyone and he may not allow himself perfectly
human, natural emotions such as jealousy, sadness, or dependency.
Moon in 4th house:
Hisahito will always be extremely attached to home and family, and he may seem to
need a lot of emotional sustenance, especially from his mother (or female caregiver). He
retreats into his own private space--his bedroom or some other little nook--whenever he
feels threatened. Moving this "base of security"--to a new town or even a new home--can
be quite upsetting and stressful for him. At such times, he may temporarily regress to
somewhat babyish behavior.
Moon Conjunct Neptune:
Hisahito is impressionable, receptive, and rather passive, and he is highly sensitive to
other people's feelings and the overall emotional tone of his surroundings. He likes to
daydream and look things up in his imagination. He has a strong affinity for the ocean.
He would rather withdraw than fight when disagreements arise; he avoids emotional
confrontations as much as possible.
Moon Opposition Saturn:
Though he may seem aloof, Hisahito is really quite shy, cautious, and afraid of not being accepted and included. He needs a lot of warmth and love from his family, in order to learn to trust and open up with others.
Moon Square Jupiter:
Good-humored, friendly, and cheerful, Hisahito has a happy effect on those around him and is likely to have many friends. Emotionally giving and open, he loves to treat his friends. He needs to learn that there can be too much of a good thing. Overeating and other forms of indulgent behavior may be hard for him to control.
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Leo:
Hisahito very much wants to be admired, petted, and made much of by his friends, and
he is lavish in his affection for others as well. He can be greedy for attention, and he very
much dislikes being ignored or seen as just one of the crowd. There is a streak of vanity in him. Positively, he is warm, demonstrative, loyal and generous with people he cares about.
Venus in 11th house:
Agreeable and happy in a social setting, Hisahito will be an asset to any group he joins. He loves good company and usually is good company. He cannot tolerate too much solitude; indeed, he wilts without friends and the pleasures of society and community.
MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert
Mars in Virgo:
Hisahito can be rather timid about asserting himself. He tends to underestimate himself and to get irritated when he or others do not do everything "perfectly." Also, his energy level fluctuates, and his stamina may not be very great.
Mars in 12th house:
Asserting his own will or winning at the expense of someone else doesn't come easily or naturally to Hisahito. He may bottle up his aggressive energies, causing him to feel very vulnerable or suffer from a lack of self-confidence. He may also act covertly rather than openly and directly. He prefers to work behind the scenes, but he needs to be encouraged to overcome his hesitancy and his fears about asserting himself. He should not, however, be pushed into becoming more outgoing than his natural tendencies allow.
Mars Square Pluto:
Intensely strong-willed and sometimes very dominating, Hisahito is likely to meet with great opposition to his aims and ambitions. His passionate commitment and forcefulness often threatens people. He has an extraordinary amount of energy, drive, and strength, and is likely to try to overpower people or use anger as a way to control situations. If he learns to temper his willfulness with a regard for others, he is likely to accomplish a great deal.
JUPITER in the birthchart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to
grow and improve himself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Scorpio:
Daring activities which have an element of danger or mystery appeal to Hisahito. He
wants to live fully and passionately and not hold himself back from anything life has to offer. From rock climbing to scuba diving or investigating caves or other out-of-the-way places, he thrives on challenge. He seeks to grow through delving into the mysteries of life.He's also extremely resourceful and has a "nose" for opportunities. Even when he's a
youngster, his shrewd judgment of people and situations will serve him well.
Jupiter in 1st house:
Hisahito tends to be fortunate because of the positive first impression he makes on both other children and adults. Instinctively he puts his best foot forward, and comes across as a confident, open person who can afford to be generous to others. He'll want to participate in a lot of extracurricular activities, and be well known and popular at school and in the community. He could be "a big fish in a small pond" too.
Jupiter Square Saturn:
Optimism and pessimism, or belief and doubt, are often at odds within Hisahito. This
may mean he will hopefully, enthusiastically start something, but be easily disheartened by any resistance or criticism he receives. A constructive relationship with a positive role
model would be especially beneficial to him, as would a caring parent or teacher who
encourages him to stay with his original plan, and reminds him that he can withstand
criticisms and doubts.
Jupiter Square Neptune:
Hisahito believes in dreaming very big, the sky's the limit, and it may take him quite some time before he learns to temper his huge idealism and optimism with a dose of practical realism. Unless other astrological factors lend some caution and prudence, he's apt to go overboard in just about everything he does including his generousity and giving. Part of how he seeks growth and meaning is to help other people. This child tends to be a "bleeding heart".
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
Hisahito is apt to be very "lucky", escpecially when he trusts his instincts and intuition. He has an excellent sense of timing and an uncanny knack of showing up at the right place and the right time. Because he is enthusiastic and open minded he attracts opportunities to go places (both literally and figuratively) that more conservative family members will never see. Dancing, music, and other exuberant, joyful activities are important to him all his life.
The position of SATURN in your child's birthchart indicates the areas in which he is
especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.
Saturn in Leo:
Hisahito is often unable to accept external authority graciously. He wants to be the ruler and authority in his own life, and parents or teachers who try to rule him with a heavy hand will be greatly resented.
Hisahito can also be something of a snob in that he sets high standards of behavior for
himself as well as for other people. If others don't measure up, he considers them his
inferiors--no matter who they are or how much older they may be. In fact, he's apt to see
himself as better than other people and to keep apart from them, while at the same time
wanting their recognition and feeling--on a deeper level--unsure of his own worth. This
child takes himself very seriously and says, in numerous ways, "Look at me!" Yet he is also acutely self-conscious and may even be shy. To his caregivers, it may seem that he cannot get enough reassurance, personal attention, or "strokes." In fact, he needs inordinate amounts of all of these. He must constantly prove his worthiness to himself, usually by working hard to be "the best" in some area of endeavor (academic, athletic, creative, etc.) This, of course, would be fin if he didn't take it all so seriously. It would be wonderfully helpful to this child if his lovableness and worthiness were conveyed to him often--regardless of his performance.
Being at once a proud and an insecure creature, he suffers acutely from any humiliation or affront to his dignity. Teasing--especially in public--is odious to him and may, therefore, be especially tempting to others (who probably wish he'd lighten up).
Saturn in 10th house: A fear of being publicly embarrassed or humiliated may prevent Hisahito from
participating in school plays and other performances. He'll try to avoid situations in which he's in the public eye. Even when he is very young, his reputation or public image will be important to him. Criticism from a teacher or parent in front of friends or classmates would be excruciatingly painful for him and could cause him to "shut down" or put a lid on any thought or feeling that might be unacceptable. He may shine or behave outlandishly in certain familiar situations but never in the "outside world." He'll need help with putting his fear of failure in perspective and learning to risk.
Saturn Opposition Neptune: Hisahito tends to have vague, insubstantial fears and he may, in fact, fear the mysterious, uncontrollable aspects of life itself. It's best not to exacerbate those tendencies by exposing him to too much negative imagery or dark stories on television or in the movies. He can be spooked by them. Hisahito would benefit from simple, life-affirming rituals in everyday life, and by gaining a solid grounding in some kind of spiritual or religious tradition. However, avoid the punitive, guilt-producing kind!
MOON'S NODES The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent
North Node in 5th House in Pisces: Hisahito's life purpose is best served by tapping into his own unique style and creative genius, whatever form that takes. He needs to dramatize, to take center stage in his own life. The joy and magic of creative self expression happens when he gives himself permission to do it his way, rather than needing his peers' cooperation or approval. Because he's meant to bring forth something original and unique, he can't afford to mold himself to others' expectations or tastes. He needs to be his own person and develop his personal will. The things he will do best and most successfully will all have an element of play and spontaneity. Those things that give him the most pleasure will also be his best work.
The qualities Hisahito needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are sensitivity, empathy, compassion, and imagination.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you abut the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Pisces:
Those of this age group (2004-2012) have creative genius, unusual inspiration, and visionary ideals. Their art, music, literature, and lifestyles will be unusual or strange to others, and they have a rather unstable and impractical bent. They are inclined to be discontented with the ways of the world, but without a strong desire to make positive reforms in a practical way. Traditional religion does not suit them either, and they will experiment with their own personal forms of mystical experience.
Uranus in 5th house: Hisahito loves to experiment and take during risks in his creative pursuits, be they athletic, artistic, or even social. Though he may appear quite conventional on the surface, he is drawn to freedom loving souls who give his full permission to be as outrageous as he wants to be. Improvisation, creating or performing spontaneously, and having as few rules as possible when it comes to expressing himself is his cup of tea.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Aquarius:
This group harbors great hopes for world unity and universal brother and sisterhood. An inner group impulse toward collective awakening and a strongly futuristic, visionary, evolutionary "dream". On the other hand, increasing globalization and impersonalization of daily life is strongly at work in their lives. How to contribute to the whole without becoming a cog in the machine is their quest.
Neptune in 4th house: Hisahito has a very dreamy, sensitive, and private side and he needs a tranquil place to retreat to from time to time. He would love to live in a beautiful natural setting, perhaps near water, and if his home is not nurturing and serene he will conjure such a place in his imagination. Home as sanctuary is very important to this child.
Pluto in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Sagittarius: For those born at this time, the order of business is the destruction of old, limiting concepts, philosophies, religious forms, and ideas about God or the nature of the Universe. At the same time, religious fanatics, extremists, and evangelical fundamentalists of many persuasions are likely to rise up quite strongly. There may be much conflict between those with powerful convictions of one kind or another.
Pluto in 3rd house: Hisahito has a probing mind and he loves to delve into complex, difficult, or deep subjects. He could be an excellent student but he's apt to have one-sided or narrowly focused interests, to pursue them obsessively, and to negect other areas. His tendency to ask intensely personal questions or to "grill" you even in a casual conversation may put people off at times, (what was charming and amusing at four is much less so at fourteen). Relationships with siblings may be thorny also. Parents or other caregivers should be alert to any potential abuses or toxic dynamics between Hisahito and his brothers and/or sisters.