Thursday, July 25, 2013

Penelope Cruz's Daughter's First Teddy!

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem have a daughter, born the same day as Prince George,  July 22, 2013. Since George was born before the Sun went into Leo, he was born in the Sun Sign of Cancer.
Cruz's daughter, as yet unamed was born in Madrid in the early evening, when the Sun had moved into the
royal sign of Leo.

Gifts for Leo Kids
(also available in pink and blue!)

To shop in our Kiddie Cafe for more gifts for your Leo child

Find the perfect gift for your Leo baby. Whimsical astrological designs on T-shirts, bibs, onesies, totes, mugs, plus a whole lot more. 
Visit the Kiddie Cafe

The Leo child loves being the star of the show and often has something striking or regal about them. For a customized personality profile based on the date, year, place, and exact time of your child's birth, visit, where Mademoiselle Kiddie, the site's virtual secretary, uncovers all the secrets of the zodiac for you. 

Partial Kiddiegram and Guesstimate horoscope chart wheel for PCD can be seen below

he KiddieGram Report for

July 22, 2013
Calculated for 7:00 PM (Precise birth time not known)
Madrid, Spain

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It Was A Cancer Onesie

Greetings from the Kiddie Cafe

So the royal baby, third heir to the British throne, was a baby boy. Born
at 4:24 pm in London. He was born under the sun sign of Cancer.
A real cusp baby, down to the wire! an hour later and he'd have been born under the Sun sign Leo.
Despite the generalizations of dates in horoscope  sun sign columns the dates vary each year .
One reason to calculate a chart wheel for the precise time of birth.

To read more about the new baby's Kiddiegram, please visit Mlle Kiddie's blog  Kiddie Star Signs
When Mademoiselle Kiddie has his name, a corrected royal gram will appear on this page.

If you have a child born yesterday and would like a gift  Kiddiegram for them, message Mlle Kiddie
or give her a tweet@MlleKiddie
and she will mail a gift postcard out to you.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Royal Baby: A Cancer or a Leo Onesie?

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge has gone into labor, July 22, 2013.

Greetings from the Kiddie Cafe Boutique

If the royal baby is born today before around five pm in London he or she will
be wearing a little Cancer Onesie

If Kate delivers after 5 pm, the new baby will be wearing a little Leo onesie.

For students of astrology, two guesstimate  horoscope chart wheels are provided below.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nori West To Be Raised in Paris?

North West was born June 15. The daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, she'll be known as Nori.

Her father once mentioned he'd like her to grow up in Paris, so we're going to post her partial Kiddiegram in French, using a "guesstimate" horoscope chart wheel based on the date and place of her birth.

Interprétation des KiddieGram

Nori West
Juin 15, 2013
12:00 PM
Los Angeles, California

Planet Kiddie



     Le SOLEIL dans le thème astral représente qui est l’enfant au fond, sa portée primaire dans la vie et le chemin elle doit suivre de manière à s’accomplir en tant qu’individu unique. Ceci indique comme elle est intérieurement plutôt que comment elle apparait (ce qui est montré plus clairement dans le signe ascendant).

Soleil en Gémeaux:

     Agitée, lunatique, extrêmement curieuse, intelligente, active, et toujours prête à voir ou à apprendre quelque chose de nouveau, cette enfant ne vous laissera pas un instant de répit, en vous ravissant par son intelligence et son esprit enjoué, mais elle pourra peut-être vous épuiser par son besoin apparemment sans limite de divertissement, de stimulation mentale et d’interaction.

     Elle a une nature plutôt sociable, pourra parler tôt, avidement, et elle adore la discussion.

     Elle est très cérébrale, en fait, et s’intéresse aux mots, aux langues, aux idées, à la communication, aime raconter et écouter des histoires et découvrir le monde sous toutes ses coutures. Les livres et les puzzles seront certainement ses passe-temps favoris. Elle n’a pas tendance à sauter d’une activité à l’autre, mais sa  concentration et son attention peuvent être d’assez courte durée. Elle saisit les concepts rapidement et s’ennuie vite. Elle a besoin de cultiver la profondeur, la concentration et la patience de manière à pouvoir pleinement profiter de son intelligence considérable.

     Agile et rapide, tant du point de vue mental que physique, elle a tendance à être tout le temps en action et peut-être ne pas vouloir s’arrêter pour se reposer ou manger. Il peut être difficile de la calmer au moment du coucher, surtout pendant la petite enfance et son sommeil peut être léger, irrégulier et facilement interrompu. La nourriture ne l’intéresse pas forcément. (C’est-à-dire manger; elle va certainement adorer jouer avec). Il y a de grandes chances elle « picore » et aie besoin d’être encouragée gentiment à manger régulièrement et substantiellement.

     Elle est flexible, a soif de variété et de nouveauté et s’adapte bien au changement. Elle a un côté espiègle et aime souvent faire des blagues. En réalité, vous trouverez certainement difficile de lui demander d’être sérieuse et d’arrêter de s’amuser. On peut souvent la faire sortir d’une humeur boudeuse avec de l’humour ou des absurdités. Elle est incapable de résister aux jeux de mots ou aux calembours. Elle est très spirituelle mais peut ne pas avoir conscience de l’impact émotionnel que ses mots peuvent avoir sur les autres.

     C’est une enfant avec qui l’on peut raisonner dès un très jeune âge.  A moins que d’autres facteurs dans son thème astral n’indiquent le contraire, elle n’est pas très émotive et peut être déconcertée ou effrayée par les démonstrations d’émotions chez les autres. Elle vous fera certainement remarquer les incohérences dans votre propre façon de raisonner!

Soleil Conjonction Jupiter:

     Nori est une âme optimiste et sa bonne volonté et sa générosité l’aident à se faire appréciée. elle aime la vie, s’attend au mieux, et partage volontiers ce elle a avec les autres. La mesquinerie lui déplait fortement. elle peut être dépensière et gâcher beaucoup car elle a la conviction que tout ira toujours bien pour elle et elle ne manquera jamais de rien. elle a besoin d’apprendre la modération et un sens des proportions, car elle a tendance à tout faire de trop (trop manger, trop dépenser, etc.).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Prince Harry's Kiddiegram:Prince of Wales

Mademoiselle Kiddie is posting the chartwheels or horoscope wheels of most royals in all her blogs this week, in anticipation of the royal birth, expected in Jully or early August.

Here is Prince Harry's Kiddiegram report and horoscope chart wheel

The KiddieGram Report for

September 15, 1984
4:20 PM
Paddington, England

Planet Kiddie



Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into his unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie his parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then he exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in his life. For example, a statement that he is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that he vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun     22 Vir 57               Pluto     0 Sco 33
Moon    21 Tau 20               N. Node  29 Tau 38
Mercury  5 Vir 12               Asc.     11 Cap 21
Venus   17 Lib 42               MC       17 Sco 02
Mars    16 Sag 57               2nd cusp  4 Pis 08
Jupiter  3 Cap 34               3rd cusp 19 Ari 15
Saturn  12 Sco 51               5th cusp  6 Gem 34
Uranus   9 Sag 53               6th cusp 23 Gem 19
Neptune 28 Sag 40

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 15:20:00   Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 51 N 32    0 W 12  

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min


     The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.

Capricorn Rising:

     Harry has a rather realistic, practical outlook on life even as a child, and his demeanor is somewhat understated, cautious, quiet, and controlled. Not your typical carefree, happy-go-lucky sort of child, he wants to know how the real, adult world operates, and he may appear more mature and also more serious and watchful than one might expect of a young person. He presents a rather somber and reserved face to the world. He likes to be given responsibilities, taken seriously, and treated like a capable person in his own right, and he absolutely hates being coddled or condescended to.

     Though quiet, Harry is fairly ambitious, and he needs and wants practical guidance and help in forming positive goals and strategies for getting ahead in life. He tends to find a person that will provide a model for him to emulate, most likely his father, grandfather, or other strong paternal figure.

     Security of a tangible sort is quite important to him, and he does not often take risks impulsively or make changes without considerable calculation and thought. Besides being conservative, he also has a strong sense of dignity and propriety, and a real horror of making a fool of himself.

     It may be hard to know just what he is feeling at any given time. He is hard to read for he appears somewhat unemotional, impassive, or unexpressive at times. Even when he feels strongly about something or someone, it often does not come through. It is important to remember that even though he may seem stoical, his feelings and needs are just as real and pressing as anyone else's - he just does not show it outwardly as much.

Asc. Sextile Saturn:

     Harry appears responsible, mature, and conscientious, and he has a realistic, adult-like attitude toward life even at a young age. He may be rather shy and careful about expressing himself, also.


     The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Virgo:

     Innately humble, shy, and self-effacing, Harry is likely to be much more talented and lovable than he gives himself credit for. He has an inward, serious, intelligent disposition, and tends to quietly observe before entering into any situation. He is usually well-behaved, polite, well-mannered, and careful, with a strong desire to "do the right thing."  His conscientiousness, in fact, may be carried to extremes, and he is often very hard on himself when he makes a mistake or does not meet the high standards he sets for himself. It is as if there is a very exacting Critic within him, and he is always trying to be perfect in order to please that aspect of himself. He needs a lot of assurance, warm acceptance, and encouragement to feel good about himself and to learn to ease up and be gentler with himself.

     Harry has a mind that loves to categorize, classify, analyze, and organize. He may arrange his belongings very neatly and not wish them to be rearranged in any way. He can be particular about his room or his appearance:  everything must be "just so."

     He has the ability to deal with meticulous detail and is very skillful with his hands. He also enjoys being helpful and he feels good about himself when he can assist you or do something necessary and practical to help you or others. Developing practical knowledge and skills increases his self confidence. Generous praise for all of his efforts, and helping him find things he can do really well, will go a long way to bring out the best side of him.

     Socially he may seem a bit cool until he knows the other person well - and then he is likely to be quite devoted. He also likes to care for pets, especially small, gentle creatures like birds or hamsters.

Sun in 8th house:

     Even as a young child, Harry will be intrigued by things which are mysterious, hidden, or "taboo," and he may make embarrassing or awkward inquiries about people's sex lives, finances, and other private matters--including beliefs about death and the possibility of an afterlife.  If he's raised in a home where such probing curiosity is unwelcome, he'll probably become secretive; even in a fairly open and communicative atmosphere, he may keep a lot to himself.  He's a deeper person than many of his contemporaries.

Sun Trine Moon:

     Harry is usually in harmony with himself and therefore he has the confidence and assurance to meet whatever obstacles he faces in life. His home life and family relationships give him a positive feeling about himself which overflows into all other aspects of his life.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Virgo:

     Harry's mind is clear, critical, and precise, and he pays meticulous attention to details. He dissects each idea presented to him, picking it apart in order to study it. He is also skillful with his hands and may enjoy handicrafts, needlework, and the like.

Mercury in 8th house:

     This child has a probing mind, and he'll query his elders about the mysteries of life from a very tender age.  The life and death cycles of animals, how crystals are formed, whether or not there is an afterlife--all of the unfathomables fascinate him.  For entertainment, offer him books or films about spies, detectives, psychological mysteries, the supernatural, and horror.

Mercury Square Uranus:

     Harry has an inventive, creative, original way of thinking and is apt to be suddenly inspired with a new idea or way of understanding a problem. He is likely to come up with unusual solutions to problems, but his mind works in an intuitive, non-linear way, and he cannot always give a logical explanation for his ideas. He is often bored and restless in a conventional, highly predictable, structured learning environment. Hastiness or nervousness can be a problem at times.

Mercury Trine Jupiter:

     Harry is broad-minded and has an interest in philosophy, social studies, religion, or other subjects that give him an overview or an overall, long-range perspective. A strong interest in foreign cultures and expanding his knowledge will inspire him to travel.


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Taurus:

     Harry is an affectionate, warm, cuddly child, and he needs plenty of love from the people in his home. When he needs to be comforted, a hug or touch is much more effective than reassuring words could ever be.

     He cherishes the familiar and thrives on a regular, steady routine which ideally should not change too frequently. Generally he is peaceable, even-tempered, and not easily provoked, but he can be surprisingly strong-willed and inflexible when it comes to introducing some significant change or disruption on his little, familiar world. When feeling insecure, he is quite likely to turn to food for solace, and his appetite is quite healthy. He has a leaning toward sweets and desserts of all kinds.

     Also, if he is in the process of moving, changing schools, or making any major transition (such a becoming a sibling for the first time), he may become very possessive with his toys or other belongings. Material things (blanket, favorite toy, particular dish, etc.) often represent security for him, and this should not be discouraged or belittled, as he will outgrow it on his own.

     Harry has an affinity with the earth and with growing things, and he would enjoy working in a garden immensely. You will also find that he probably loves to get really dirty, perhaps playing with mud or clay.

     Sometimes he has difficulty getting started, getting up in the morning or moving as quickly as one might like. He needs not to rushed, to go at his own, somewhat relaxed pace as much as possible.

     He has the capacity to be patient and also to keep at something until it is finished. He can be very, very stubborn too, and he responds more to coaxing and charm than to vigorous demands.

Moon in 4th house:

     Harry will always be extremely attached to home and family, and he may seem to need a lot of emotional sustenance, especially from his mother (or female caregiver).  He retreats into his own private space--his bedroom or some other little nook--whenever he feels threatened.  Moving this "base of security"--to a new town or even a new home--can be quite upsetting and stressful for him.  At such times, he may temporarily regress to somewhat babyish behavior.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Libra:

     Harry has a considerate, thoughtful way about him, and he makes special efforts to cooperate, accommodate, and harmonize with others. He enjoys being with people and may feel at loose ends without a playmate. He is very well-liked and does not like to do anything to offend anyone, even when that means compromising on something that is important to him.

Venus in 8th house:

     Deep feelings of attachment and closeness, along with jealousy and other strong emotions, typify Harry's friendships.  He may be possessive and demanding or have a close friend who acts that way toward him.  He isn't breezy and casual about those he loves, and he won't give up easily on people.  Even his pets are likely to be the objects of intense feelings and affections.

Venus Sextile Mars:

     Harry has much warmth and love within him that he needs to find ways to express and share with others. Dramatics, dance, or other active, creative forms of self-expression are very good for him.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.

Mars in Sagittarius:

     Harry is very exuberant, high-spirited, full of energy and vitality. He sometimes lacks staying-power and concentration, however. He will stand up for himself and his beliefs when challenged, though he does not really like to fight at all.

Mars in 11th house:

     Harry achieves the most and is most inspired to work when he's involved in a group project or team event.  He can be a take-charge person in a group, and he likes to be with people who are active doers rather than passive spectators.  He may prefer the company of boys or be more interested in traditionally male endeavors.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Capricorn:

     Harry will be worldly wise and uncommonly sensible and realistic, for a child.  He is inherently ambitious and pragmatic, and adults may be surprised when he expresses interest in such "mature" topics as economics, office politics, and so on.  His future aspirations include being successful in very concrete terms, and he wants to know the rules so he can "play the game" well.

     A gift for and interest in money can be encouraged by setting up a bank account for which he is responsible and teaching him about buying and selling when he accompanies you on errands. He also naturally understands the value of discipline and delaying gratification for some future benefit (i.e., "If we don't buy ice cream for a week, we can all go to the carnival on Saturday.")

Jupiter in 12th house:

     Harry doesn't need to be made much of in order to feel good about himself.  In fact, he's apt to shy away from the limelight, and thus may not receive the credit and personal recognition he deserves.  He likes to help people or other creatures that need him, but prefers to do it anonymously.

     In his class at school, he may want to succeed and excel, but not at the expense of the other children.  He doesn't understand vicious competition.  His teachers may neglect him because he doesn't push himself forward or toot his own horn, and in the family he may well be the "good" one who is similarly overlooked.  People may coax him to be more outgoing or even more self-serving, but he's actually apt to be extraordinarily "lucky" because of his gentleness.

     He may also express a pronounced interest in spirituality, his inner life, and such things as angels, saints, dreams, miracles, and other spiritual phenomena.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune:

     This child has an unlimited imagination, generosity almost in excess, and big dreams for himself and for the world. His faith in a Higher Power is well-developed and instinctive.  At times he can be a a bit too gullible, though, and unless other factors in his chart indicate practicality, he may lack caution and realism.  Parents should try to teach him these gifts while still encouraging his big and beautiful dreams.

Jupiter Sextile Pluto:

     Harry is a person who always tries to improve things and make them better for everyone.  He tends to be quite moralistic at times too, and will hold himself, his friends, and parents to some lofty standards. He strives for excellence in everything.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which he is especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.

Saturn in Scorpio:

     Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that Harry encounters are apt to be kept to himself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from his brooding silences or his withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against him by intensifying his turmoil.  Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion.  At times, therefore, he'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me."  The truth is that it can be hard to get to know him, because he doesn't readily trust others.  If he has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" his feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing his tensions.  If not, he is likely to suffer from guilt for his strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.

Saturn in 9th house:

     Accepting other people's beliefs, faith, or outlook on life won't always be easy for Harry.  Unless he's encouraged to be tolerant and open-minded, he may limit his experience considerably because of this lack of imagination or inability to visualize different ways of seeing and doing things.  Becoming personally acquainted with people whose cultures or religions differ from his own can help to break down barriers and prevent the development of a narrow, insular attitude.


     The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent

North Node in 4th House in Taurus:

     Harry's purpose in life involves cultivating inner depth, soulfulness, and intimate closeness within a family or community of true soulmates. He gathers strength from his heritage, and will want to know his family's history, stories, and traditions. Because his focus in life is inward he is apt to shun public life in favor of attending to his home life, his inner world, or his personal, intimate connections. He may seem to need a lot of "down time" and can be something of a hermit crab - he'll be crabby if he can't be a hermit sometimes. What he needs to bring forth is deeply personal and comes from his own inner private reflections and rhythms.

     The qualities Harry needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are patience, simplicity, and a willingness to persevere. Encourage him to make contact with the earth and his physical senses by playing and working outdoors.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Sagittarius:

     This age group (1981-1988) will make radical departures from established philosophies, ideals, religious traditions, and old ways of learning and understanding the world. The higher educational system will be upset and changed by these people. The drive for further knowledge, new frontiers and discovery make space exploration important to them.

     They are highly adventurous, enterprising, daring, and sometimes foolhardy in their quest for new understanding. Their new concepts and philosophies may be a little bizarre, or at least seem to be at first. They are great lovers of freedom, also.

Uranus in 11th house:

     Harry's collection of friends is apt to be lively, unusual, and varied because he enjoys mixing incongruous elements and experimenting socially.  Even if he appears conservative or "mainstream" himself,  he is drawn to others who are not.  Tolerance for differences, acceptance of extremes, and investigating socail customs and cultures quite divergent from his own is important to him.  Prejudice and social inequalities rankle him.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

     Tremendous idealism, far-reaching vision, and a wide-open, expanded outlook on life characterize this age group (1970-1984). They believe that anything is possible and often overlook the immediate, obvious, and practical realities of a situation in their quest for something grander, freer, or more encompassing. Ungrounded speculation, airy fantasy, and the tendency to idealize whatever is foreign, faraway, or unattainable are the pitfalls of this age group. However, since their minds are not prematurely set and closed to new possibilities, they are likely to discover truths that more earth-bound minds would never see.

Neptune in 12th house:

     Tenderhearted and sympathetic toward underdogs, victims, and any suffering whatsoever, this highly sensitive child feels for about everybody.  Being around negativity, ill will, or harshness really upsets him, and he needs a little oasis of peace to replenish himself from time to time.  He's also quite "psychic" and may share some amazing dreams or paranormal experiences if he senses his elders are open minded and receptive to such things.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

     Those born during this generation have the opportunity to advance spirituality and a consciousness of unity, universality, and brother/sisterhood.  Only a few individuals may heed the call, but many will be influenced by them.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Scorpio:

     Those born during this time period (1984-1995) are driven to uncover, bring to light, and expose the secret, hidden aspects of situations which others fear and wish to avoid. They will investigate and delve into areas which have been considered taboo, unknown or unknowable. There is a great deal of emotional force, depth, and complexity in these children, and they are not easy to fathom. They may need help in understanding and accepting their own intense emotions. There is a highly psychic and intuitive aspect to them, and they cannot be fooled by pretense or surface appearances, so it is best to bring things out in the open with them rather than try to conceal any struggle or difficulty that arises.

Pluto in 9th house:

     This child has an unusal passion for learning, and will develop powerful beliefs and convictions.  For him, education is power, and he will never stop asking questions and looking for the deeper answers.  His philosophical or religious ideas undergo profound changes throughout his life, and he may be either funatical or secretive about his ultimate beliefs.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Star Signature Child for the Cancer SunSign : Ben Stiller's Quinlin

If you need a gift for a child born this month, visit the Kiddiegram Boutique and check out
the gifts for a Cancer Sun Sign child. Mademoiselle Kiddie has many items with this
adorable image of Cancer the Crab available.

Our Star Signature child for the Cancer Sun Sign Child is Ben Stiller's Son
Quinlin Dempsey Stiller

Here is his Kiddiegram Chard Wheel
As a Cancer, 6-year-old Quinlin is a sweetie with a big heart, although with Mars in fierce Aries, he may like to act tougher than he sometimes feels. Jupiter and his south node in Libra show he's very concerned about fairness, so he'll probably fight for the little guy if he feels they are being treated poorly or in need of defense.

With Mercury and Venus in expressive Leo, he's also probably the family clown. Although dad is a professional comic actor, Quinlin will like to be downright playful and silly with a budding talent in his ability to get his audience laughing with a hammy joke. With Mercury and Mars in a trine, he's probably got quick mental instincts. He also may have a love of heroic adventure stories with bold Mars in Aries in a comfortable connection with Mercury and Venus in Leo with it's love of the dramatic.

More from his Kiddiegram:

Mercury Trine Mars:
     Sharp-witted and quick at repartee, Quinlin enjoys lively discussion, debates, or intellectual sparring. He excels at games that require both skill and intelligence.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!

If you are like Ben Stiller....and ...

If you have a child born on July 10th, 2005 then they are a birthday twin of Quinlin.
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
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Previous Cancer Signature Star Children:
Sunday Rose Urban
Knox & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt

Check out other Sung Sign Cancer Celebrity-Tots  in Hollywood! 

Image of Ben Stiller is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.

Quinlin's exact time of birth is not known so a sunrise chart has been created. No incorrect interpretation has been given as a result.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Jessica Simpson's Pulls An Ace

Gemini gifts for a Gemini Baby can be found in our Kiddie Cafe Boutique

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson have had their second child, Ace.
He was born June 30, 2013 in Los Angeles.
Mlle Kiddie does not know the time of his birth, so the chart below is a guesstimate chart wheel and the report is partial.
Hey, congrats to his big sister Maxwell who is fourteen months.

Here is Ace's partial Kiddiegram

The KiddieGram Report for

Ace Knute Johnson
June 30, 2013
Calculated for 12:00:03 PM (Precise birth time not known)
Los Angeles, California

Ace's Partial  Kiddiegram Report


     The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Cancer:

     At heart, Ace is a very emotional and sympathetic person who is highly sensitive to the feeling tone and subtle atmosphere surrounding him. He cries easily and often seems swept up by the ebb and flow of constantly fluctuating emotions. He instinctively seeks a safe harbor to retreat to, a private place that feels safe and protected, which is most often his mother or his home.

     He is very attached to his family and to the beloved, familiar things of home, and he may be loathe to venture away from them for very long, especially when he is quite young. A natural shyness or reticence to open himself to strangers will be in evidence quite early, and he should not be pushed into sociability or a false show of "bravery."  Allow him to set his own pace in meeting the world. Though his attachment to you may be thought of as "clingy" or "overly dependent," it is best to reassure him and to very gently encourage him to overcome his fears. Eventually, given plenty of support and the knowledge that you will indeed always be there to go back to, he will leave the nest quite happily.

     Ace has a very nurturing, loving, protective side and he naturally responds to others' needs for comfort and care. Having pets or even a garden to tend will make him quite contented. He is also likely to be an enthusiastic chef and should be allowed to help with the cooking as much as possible. Food will always play an important role in his life, as a means to give and receive emotional sustenance as well as physical nourishment. You should take care not to substitute food for emotional comfort (i.e. "He hurt your feelings?  Let's have some milk and cookies and forget all about it. . ."). This could easily become a habit of his that would be difficult to break later in life.

     In fact, the habits that he creates in childhood are likely to stay with him throughout his life, and the attitudes and behaviors he absorbs now will always influence him strongly. He has an excellent memory, also.

Sun Opposition Pluto:

     Ace is very willful in a quiet, subtle way and he has a very private, hidden, secretive side that he shares with very few people. He wants to be in control of his own life and he is inclined to resist or even undermine anyone in a position of authority. Becoming a significant or powerful person in his own right is important to him, so he is likely to push away from or struggle with anyone who has power over him. Try not to force your own will upon him unnecessarily, as he is likely to resent it fiercely.

     Ace is a complex person and he may have strong inner drives or ambitions that even he does not totally understand. He tends to go to extremes and be a bit of a fanatic, in his own way.

Sun Square Uranus:

     Impulsive, spontaneous, and unpredictable, Ace is unlikely to do anything quite the way you expect him to. He has his own rather unusual, offbeat ways, and he does not like to conform to rules, regulations, or convention. He questions authority, and is something of a rebel or iconoclast. He needs a great deal of freedom. His gifts are his originality, inventiveness, and creativity.

Sun Trine Saturn:

     Sensible and mature from a fairly young age, Ace handles responsibility well and can be relied upon to keep his agreements. He likes having an older, experienced person teach him things, especially practical skills or how to make his way in the adult world. He may seem like a little adult at times, and he does not appreciate being treated "like a child."  His dignity and self-respect are precious to him, so do not tease him or make him feel small.

Sun Trine Neptune:

     Ace enjoys helping people or doing things that not only benefit himself but also bring something beautiful or worthwhile to others. He should be encouraged to develop his artistic, creative gifts. His imagination is quite fanciful and he is inclined to daydream a lot, also.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Cancer:

     Ace's mind is like a sponge, quietly absorbing the thoughts and opinions of those around him, and he has a very retentive memory. He is very subjective in his opinions and perceptions of the world; he is more intuitive than linear and rational in his thinking.


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Aries:

     High spirited and lively, this child needs action and he loves to be moving. He is attracted to anything with speed and energy, and to anything that involves challenge or competition (like running a race). He does things quickly, sometimes carelessly, and he hates to wait for anything. He can be very temperamental and impatient if the pace is too slow, and he gets frustrated with himself when he cannot master a task right away. He wants very much to be independent. He also wants very much to win, to be the first, to be the best.

     He can be bossy and domineering, is something of a fighter, and will passionately defend the people he loves or the causes he believes in.

     He is inclined to sudden bursts of anger or irritability, especially when overstimulated by his environment (too much noise and excitement, television, etc.), or confined for too long (as in a long car ride). Outdoor activity and physical play is very essential.

     He may be a fitful, restless sleeper or adamantly resist going to bed at night, especially in his youngest years.

     Emotionally he may seem quite self-sufficient, as he dislikes depending on others' help. Sometimes he acts angry or upset, when underneath he is really feeling afraid or hurt or when he is needing comfort or reassurance. You may have to see past his "fireworks display" and probe a little to understand what is really going on with him.

     Sometimes he simply insists on "doing his own thing" and he may not fit in or conform.

Moon Conjunct Uranus:

     Spontaneous, emotionally impulsive, and excitable, Ace can be disruptive if he is restrained for too long. He loves to feel free and a bit wild, and he is uncomfortable in a formal, stuffy, or overly-structured environment. He is inclined to have unusual habits or idiosyncrasies, too. He may enjoy shocking you at times.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Leo:

     Ace very much wants to be admired, petted, and made much of by his friends, and he is lavish in his affection for others as well. He can be greedy for attention, and he very much dislikes being ignored or seen as just one of the crowd. There is a streak of vanity in him. Positively, he is warm, demonstrative, loyal and generous with people he cares about.

Venus Square Saturn:

     Ace needs much reassurance that he is wanted, valued, and worthy of love; otherwise, he is inclined to feel alienated and afraid to trust people. Though he very much wants friends, it may be hard for him to get close to people. He is likely to have just a few close friends that he keeps for a long time, and to be ill-at-ease in social situations or when meeting new people.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.

Mars in Gemini:

     Ace is a busy bee, always active, restless, and on-the-go, but he tends to lack concentration and stamina. He tends to run on nervous energy. He uses cleverness, words, and reasoning power to defend himself, rather than force.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Cancer:

     Family and continuity with the past are very important to Ace, and no matter what his aspirations, he will never willingly grow away from his people.  He will want to learn as much as possible about his family tree, his origins and ancestors.  Being a part of an ongoing tradition--part of a tribe, so to speak--gives him confidence and strength.  Visiting the homes of distant relatives would delight him.

Even though he's devoted to his family, his emotional generosity and sympathies extend beyond his immediate circle.  He wants everyone to be "family," and will gladly accept schoolmates, camp buddies, and friends as such.  His nurturing, protective feelings are strong and he's very caring toward other children (especially younger ones) and toward pets--indeed, toward anyone in need of support.

Jupiter Trine Saturn:

     As a child, Ace is apt to have an unusual degree of maturity, composure, poise, and conscientousness which make him something of a favorite amongst his elders.  One of the ways he seeks to grow is through learning and carrying on a tradition.  Useful skills passed on by a parent or grandparent will be highly valued and carried forward by him.

Jupiter Trine Neptune:

     Ace seeks to grow by having faith and trusting in the unseen forces to provide for and assist him. Mostly this will work in his favor, but at times he expects God to do all the work and he could be to passive and unrealistic at times.  He's a very generous soul and enjoys helping other children, animals, and others who are vulnerable or in need.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which he is especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.

Saturn in Scorpio:

     Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that Ace encounters are apt to be kept to himself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from his brooding silences or his withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against him by intensifying his turmoil.  Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion.  At times, therefore, he'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me."  The truth is that it can be hard to get to know him, because he doesn't readily trust others.  If he has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" his feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing his tensions.  If not, he is likely to suffer from guilt for his strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.

Saturn Trine Neptune:

     As he meets obstacles and difficulties, one ally Ace has is his faith and spirituality.  This is something he will tend to take for granted as he doesn't like to discuss it much.  A close spiritual connection to a grandfather or grandmother can also be strengthening for him.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Aries:

     FREEDOM for the individual is of utmost importance to this age group. They are some of the most extreme when it comes to following their own inner spark as opposed to adhering to the rules or guidelines imposed by outside authority. They are infused with a powerful spirit of adventurous freedom, self reliance, and revolution, and are in no way passive if their personal freedoms are impinged upon. Many will be seen as incendiary troublemakers.

Uranus Square Pluto:

     Born during a period of massive change and disruption in the world, Ace is part of a group of souls destined to undergo radical severance from many of the old ways of life.  Because of this, many of them will hold tightly to whatever security they can find, and be quite resistant to change in their worlds.  Some, however, will be deeply iconoclastic and instigators of further transformation of the society they are a part of.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Pisces:

     Profoundly mystical forces are washing over the collective psyche of this group. The life of the soul becomes paramount. Water also becomes a primary concern. Healing waters, fountains, and springs with supernatural powers, as well as being "washed" with the Holy Spirit may play important roles.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Capricorn:

     Those born during these years (2008-2023) struggle to transform corruption, greed, and the control of power and natural resources in the world around them. Large, impersonal institutions and the heavy handed authoritarianism that breaks them up will be challenged by these children as they grow up. They will be profoundly influenced by witnessing the way power is wielded by their fathers and other authorities they encounter. Cynicism and upheaval may result if integrity, wisdom, and a positive use of masculine strength is not modeled for these children.



Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into his unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie his parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then he exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in his life. For example, a statement that he is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that he vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.
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The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun      9 Can 08               Pluto    10 Cap 19
Moon    16 Ari 06               N. Node  15 Sco 28
Mercury 22 Can 27               Asc.     26 Vir 26
Venus    3 Leo 44               MC       26 Gem 07
Mars    21 Gem 17               2nd cusp 23 Lib 23
Jupiter  1 Can 05               3rd cusp 23 Sco 45
Saturn   4 Sco 52               5th cusp 28 Cap 32
Uranus  12 Ari 24               6th cusp 29 Aqu 03
Neptune  5 Pis 14

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 19:00:03   Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min