Shiloh, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter was born on Memorial Day weekend in Africa. The Gemini New Moon was exactly (almost) rising at Swakopmund, Namibia. Jolie's birthday is June 4. Shiloh and her Mom both have Sun in Gemini . Shiloh's Moon is in Gemini promising an emotional compatability with her Mom.
Here's what her Kiddiegram says about the young Jolie-Pitt.
The KiddieGram Report for
Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt May 27, 2006
1:40 AM
Swakopmund, Namibia
533 Lake Front Drive
Beverly Shores, IN 46301-0863 /773-550-1522
This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts
and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite
normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine
books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children
experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual
with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you
parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's
basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for
your child, can be important allies in your parenting.
You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language,
uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement,
then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a
statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude
seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability
and solitude at different times.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 5 Gem 37 Pluto 25 Sag 57
Moon 3 Gem 05 N. Node 2 Ari 24
Mercury 15 Gem 27 Asc. 29 Pis 05
Venus 27 Ari 05 MC 29 Sag 05
Mars 25 Can 20 2nd cusp 27 Ari 58
Jupiter 11 Sco 17 3rd cusp 28 Tau 22
Saturn 6 Leo 38 5th cusp 29 Can 47
Uranus 14 Pis 31 6th cusp 0 Vir 09
Neptune 19 Aqu 49
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 00:40:00 Time Zone: 1 hours East
Lat. and Long. of birth: 22 S 41 14 E 34
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this
child faces life, her basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way she comes across,
and how she appears to others.
Pisces Rising:
Shiloh has a soft, shy, gentle appearance and she is often timid with people she does not
know well. She may need to be gently coaxed into participating in social situations, trying
new things, or standing up for herself when she needs to. She tends to be rather passive, to
watch and let things take their own course rather than asserting herself or trying to force her
own will onto the situation.
Shiloh is also very sensitive and perceptive about people, intuitively sensing what is going
on inside of them. She is a good listener, receptive, accepting, and nonjudgmental. Anyone
who is hurting or alone and afraid finds a sympathetic friend in Shiloh, and she will probably
want to take home every mistreated, stray animal she comes across. Sometimes she does
not know when to stop giving!
This child is quite sensitive to criticism, and what may seem like fair, firm discipline to
you may hurt her feelings for more than you realize or intend. She needs a lot of kindness
and understanding love!
Sometimes she is rather vague and daydreamy, off in her own private fantasy world. She
seems to need to go off by herself sometimes, without too many demands or intrusions from
the outside. She is a lover of peace, nature, and beauty.
She needs to develop self-discipline, confidence in asserting herself, and discrimination
(especially when it comes to people).
Asc. Sextile Moon:
tside. She is a lover of peace, nature, and beauty.
She needs to develop self-discipline, confidence in asserting herself, and discrimination
(especially when it comes to people).
Asc. Trine Mars:
Shiloh is inclined to act first and think later. She has little patience for people who are
less decisive than she is, and she is apt to ignore or run over children who are slower and
less self-assured. It is not that she is unkind, just very energetic.
Shiloh is not afraid to take a stand or to go it alone if she has to.
Asc. Square Pluto:
It may seem that sometimes Shiloh cannot leave well enough alone. She is inclined to dig
deeper into sensitive or taboo issues than most people are comfortable with, and she is
insistent and unrelenting in her questioning. She is also very strong-willed in a quiet, subtle
way. Intensity and complete absorption characterize her approach to life, and she tends to
go to extremes. She is very hard to dissuade once her mind is fixed on a purpose, and she
may ignore anyone or override any obstacle that gets in her way.
The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, her primary thrust in life,
and what path she needs to follow in order to fulfill herself as a unique individual. It indicates
who she is inside rather than the way she appears (which is shown more clearly by the
Rising Sign).
Sun in Gemini:
Restless, changeable, extremely inquisitive, bright, active, and always eager to see or
learn something new, this child is likely to keep you on the go, delighting you with her
intelligence and playful wit, and possibly wearing you out with her seemingly endless need
for entertainment, mental stimulation, and interaction.
She is quite a social creature, is apt to be an early and avid talker, and she loves to
She is a very mental creature, basically, and she has a keen interest in words, language,
ideas, communicating, telling and hearing stories, and learning about the world in all of its
fascinating variety. Books and puzzles may well be her favorite playthings. She does tend to
flit from one activity to the next, however, and her concentration and attention span may be
quite short. She grasps concepts quickly and is easily bored. She needs to develop depth,
focus, and patience in order to use her considerable intelligence to the fullest.
Nimble and quick in both mind and body, she is likely to be "on" all of the time and she
may not even want to stop to rest or eat. It can be hard to settle her down at bedtime and,
especially during her early years, her sleep may be light, sporadic, and easily broken. Food
is also not especially interesting to her. (Eating it, that is. She may love to play with it.) Very
likely she "eats like a bird," and she may need to be gently encouraged to eat regularly and
She is flexible, craves variety and novelty, and adapts well to change. She has a
mischievous side and is quite fond of pranks and playing tricks. In fact you may find it
difficult to get her to be serious and to stop fooling around. She can usually be coaxed out
of a sour mood by the use of humor or silliness, and she cannot resist word-plays or puns.
She is very witty herself, but she may be oblivious to the emotional impact her words have
on others.
She is a child who can be reasoned with from a rather young age. Unless other factors in
her chart indicate otherwise, she is not very emotional, and may be bewildered or frightened
by great outbursts or displays of emotion in others. She is even likely to point out to you the
inconsistencies in your line of reasoning!
Sun in 3rd house:
Shiloh needs to be both physically and mentally active. Sitting still for extended periods
will be trying--if not impossible--for her. She really feels good when she's wheeling around
the neighborhood on her bike, visiting neighbors or friends who live nearby. She gladly
accompanies adults on their errands, especially if there's no long stop involved, and she's
apt to "talk their ears off" along the way. The "whys" will probably begin early, and if she's
encouraged to express her views, she will become a remarkable conversationalist.
Sun Conjunct Moon:
The above description of Shiloh is so ingrained that she has little objectivity or real
understanding of people whose temperament differs from her. At best, this means that she is
sure of herself and of what she wants. At worst, she tends to be one-sided and unable to
see issues from any viewpoint except her own.
Sun Sextile Saturn:
Shiloh is mature and responsible from a fairly young age. You should be able to rely on
Shiloh and give her a good deal of freedom, as she is unlikely to let you down. She is
sensible, realistic, and has a good sense of proportion.
Shiloh enjoys working and accomplishing. She appreciates being rewarded for her
achievements and being given reasonable tasks and challenges. Helping her become
competent and capable by teaching her practical skills makes her feel good.
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind
works, her intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Gemini:
Alert, clever, and quick-witted, Shiloh is very inquisitive and grasps new ideas very
rapidly. She is fond of words and ideas, and is likely to be very talkative, sometimes overly
so. Her mind never stops!
Mercury in 3rd house:
Shiloh enjoys learning and gathering information wherever she goes. Curious facts,
arcane information, and items of trivia interest her, and she can entertain herself endlessly by
reading catalogues, brochures, or magazines. By the time she's ten, she's apt to know a
little about everything! She needs to do her school work in a quiet atmosphere, because
she is easily distracted.
Mercury Square Uranus:
Shiloh has an inventive, creative, original way of thinking and is apt to be suddenly
inspired with a new idea or way of understanding a problem. She is likely to come up with
unusual solutions to problems, but her mind works in an intuitive, non-linear way, and she
cannot always give a logical explanation for her ideas. She is often bored and restless in a
conventional, highly predictable, structured learning environment. Hastiness or nervousness
can be a problem at times.
Mercury Trine Neptune:
Shiloh's imagination and intuition is very active, and she prefers studying subjects that
have an inspirational, colorful, or creative element rather than those that are strictly
technical, dry, or mundane. Art is a good area for her.
The MOON in the birthchart indicates how she deals with and expresses feelings, how
she experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what her emotional
needs are, and what she needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Gemini:
One of the primary ways that Shiloh responds to the world is by thinking and talking
about it, and if given any encouragement at all, she will discuss her feelings and experiences
very readily. Creating a ritual of talking about the ups and downs of her day with her, just
prior to going to sleep at night, can be very relaxing and soothing for her, putting her at
ease. Even at a young age, before she can articulate, she is likely to be a chatterbox and to
need quite a bit of social interaction and "conversation." She will love hearing rhymes,
jingles, and little songs, and she will often respond with a stream of her own jabbering. Try
not to tell her to "be quiet" too often as she is growing up, because speaking is a significant
means of self expression for her.
Shiloh needs an interesting stimulating environment and she may become cranky and out
of sorts when she exhausts all of the materials and playthings you provide for her. She will
love books, story tapes, puzzles, and mentally challenging games, such as word games or
computer games. Restless and easily bored, she is inclined to lose interest in an activity
rather quickly. It may seem that she needs to be entertained constantly. She grasps
concepts quickly and is always eager to see or experience something new. Outings to the
library, to visit friends, or just anything to break up her routine will always be welcome. She
adapts well to changes in her environment.
This child has an insatiable curiosity and desire to learn about the world. and she is
unlikely to cling too tightly to your apron strings. The outside world is just too fascinating.
She is also somewhat uncomfortable with emotions, sentimentality, and others' emotional
needs or demands. When difficult feelings such as fear or sadness arise, she will often
simply ignore them or try to make a joke. Sometimes she becomes silly in response to
intense feelings or situations that she does not understand. Even at a surprisingly young age
she can be detached and objective in emotionally-charged situations.
Moon in 3rd house:
Whatever opinions or prejudices Shiloh is raised with will stay with her for a long time,
and much of her thinking will be colored by her subjective feelings rather than by clear logic.
The positive side of this is that she is able to articulate her feelings and talk about the things
that bother her instead of "acting out" her repressed anger, sadness, etc. She's likely to be
interested in reading about people's personal lives. A good biography will always be a
welcome gift. She may also be very interested in learning about certain historical eras to
which she feels an emotional attraction.
Moon Sextile Saturn:
Shiloh prefers an orderly, organized, fairly structured environment, and she feels
uncomfortable with too much unpredictability or chaos around her. Excessive displays of
emotion or sentimentality also put her off somewhat, and she is careful about showing her
own feelings.
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and
socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Aries:
Shiloh strikes up friendships and makes overtures to others quite readily, but she often
will not compromise or make any special accommodations for her friends. Generally, if you
want to play with her, it is on her own terms. She likes courageous and forthright children,
and there is likely to be a good bit of friendly rivalry between her and her playmates.
Venus in 1st house:
This child's charm, sweet manners, and/or physical beauty make her extremely popular,
but an excessive concern with her appearance and a pronounced streak of vanity may work
against her. She often prefers not to compete or expend effort, because so many things
seem to fall into her lap without any exertion on her part.
Venus Square Mars:
Shiloh's relationships with friends are rather intense, often stormy and volatile. There is a
love-hate or on again-off again quality to her friendships. She can be quite demanding and
competitive for attention and affection.
Venus Trine Pluto:
Shiloh's need for love and closeness is very strong, and she becomes intensely attached
to her friends and the people she cares for. She is also very attractive or charming, and she
may use this to subtly control or manipulate people, especially if she feels that she is not
getting enough affection. Positively, she has unusual creative abilities and could pour her
strong feelings into artistic or creative work.
MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert
Mars in Cancer:
Shiloh will rarely initiate a fight or a confrontation, and she is uncomfortable with
aggressive competition. She often goes after what she wants in an indirect or subtle way.
She may have stomach upsets when she is afraid to confront something or assert her will.
Mars in 4th house:
Shiloh may be much more assertive, competitive, easily provoked, and quick to anger at
home than elsewhere. Domestic disputes, ongoing sibling rivalry, or conflict with one of her
parents may motivate her to strike out on her own somewhat early. On the other hand, she
may stick around in order to rule the roost!
JUPITER in the birthchart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how she seeks to
grow and improve herself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Scorpio:
Daring activities which have an element of danger or mystery appeal to Shiloh. She
wants to live fully and passionately and not hold herself back from anything life has to offer.
From rock climbing to scuba diving or investigating caves or other out-of-the-way places,
she thrives on challenge. She seeks to grow through delving into the mysteries of life.
She's also extremely resourceful and has a "nose" for opportunities. Even when she's a
youngster, her shrewd judgment of people and situations will serve her well.
Jupiter in 8th house:
Shiloh is deeply curious about the mysteries of life and death, the afterlife, and the
supernatural, as well as the inner workings of people. As a young child, she'll ask a lot of
probing questions about "taboo" subjects like sex or death, not out of fear but merely
because she's fascinated. She'll enjoy learning how various cultures view such things--how
and why the Egyptians mummified their dead, for instance, or what the Hindus believe about
reincarnation. And she'll surprise the adults in her circle with her precocious insights and
wisdom about such matters. She understands, much more than one might expect, about
why people behave as they do, and in her later life this will give her a great advantage in
dealing with people and forming cooperative partnerships.
Jupiter Square Saturn:
Optimism and pessimism, or belief and doubt, are often at odds within Shiloh. This may
mean she will hopefully, enthusiastically start something, but be easily disheartened by any
resistance or criticism she receives. A constructive relationship with a positive role model
would be especially beneficial to her, as would a caring parent or teacher who encourages
her to stay with her original plan, and reminds her that she can withstand criticisms and
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
Shiloh is apt to be very "lucky", escpecially when she trusts her instincts and intuition.
She has an excellent sense of timing and an uncanny knack of showing up at the right place
and the right time. Because she is enthusiastic and open minded she attracts opportunities to
go places (both literally and figuratively) that more conservative family members will never
see. Dancing, music, and other exuberant, joyful activities are important to her all her life.
The position of SATURN in your child's birthchart indicates the areas in which she is
especially insecure, about which she is most serious, and/or in which she works hardest or
is hardest on herself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become
her greatest strengths.
Saturn in Leo:
Shiloh is often unable to accept external authority graciously. She wants to be the ruler
and authority in her own life, and parents or teachers who try to rule her with a heavy hand
will be greatly resented.
Shiloh can also be something of a snob in that she sets high standards of behavior for
herself as well as for other people. If others don't measure up, she considers them her
inferiors--no matter who they are or how much older they may be. In fact, she's apt to see
herself as better than other people and to keep apart from them, while at the same time
wanting their recognition and feeling--on a deeper level--unsure of her own worth. This
child takes herself very seriously and says, in numerous ways, "Look at me!" Yet she is
also acutely self-conscious and may even be shy. To her caregivers, it may seem that she
cannot get enough reassurance, personal attention, or "strokes." In fact, she needs
inordinate amounts of all of these. She must constantly prove her worthiness to herself,
usually by working hard to be "the best" in some area of endeavor (academic, athletic,
creative, etc.) This, of course, would be fine if she didn't take it all so seriously. It would
be wonderfully helpful to this child if her lovableness and worthiness were conveyed to her
often--regardless of her performance.
Being at once a proud and an insecure creature, she suffers acutely from any humiliation
or affront to her dignity. Teasing--especially in public--is odious to her and may, therefore,
be especially tempting to others (who probably wish she'd lighten up).
Saturn in 5th house:
Games, sports, and entertaining or creative pastimes that should be fun are often serious
business for Shiloh . Instead of engaging in such activities in a spirit of play and for the
sheer pleasure of doing them, she may be wrapped up in her performance and in how she
measures up. She may even be too self-conscious to participate or too tightly controlled to
do her best. She can also be very disciplined and focused in some form of artistic
expression, especially if it requires practice, practice, practice (e.g., ballet or playing the
violin or piano). If she decides to take up athletics, she'll be similarly dedicated and serious
about it. Once in a while her parents or other kids may have to remind her, "Hey--it's just a
The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting
with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give
vital information about those areas of life experience that she will instinctively be drawn to in
order to fulfill her life purposes, as well as qualities she needs to develop and express in
order to do so. They show where she can be most successful as she unfolds her natural
North Node in 1st House in Aries:
Shiloh's path in life requires that she focus on pursuing her own personal interests,
desires, and inner directives. She must resist the pull of excessive concern over other
people's approval or disapproval of her. Shiloh is meant to be a solo act, and therefore the
more she concentrates on her own development (whether material or spiritual), the more
she fulfills her destiny. She makes a contribution to life by focusing on her own individuality
and being herself as fully as she can, even if this appears egotistical or overly self-involved
to others. As a parent or caring elder in her life, you may be able to encourage her along
these lines by paying attention to what she is drawn to and allowing her to go her own way
The qualities Shiloh needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are boldness,
self-reliance, and the courage to take risks and make her own mistakes. Encourage her to
be pro-active and to trust herself.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and
impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe
your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying
issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations,
fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra
(from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and
supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time
became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were
affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in.
Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and
issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past,
and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted
or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also
represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Pisces:
Those of this age group (2004-2012) have creative genius, unusual inspiration, and
visionary ideals. Their art, music, literature, and lifestyles will be unusual or strange to
others, and they have a rather unstable and impractical bent. They are inclined to be
discontented with the ways of the world, but without a strong desire to make positive
reforms in a practical way. Traditional religion does not suit them either, and they will
experiment with their own personal forms of mystical experience.
Uranus in 12th house:
Shiloh tends to hide her eccentricities, unconventionality, or nonconformist side, perhaps
for fear of being thought odd or even ridiculed for her differentness. She may go to great
lengths to keep it under wraps, but occassionally burst out with a surprising rebelliousness
or unsuspected independent spirit.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime.
The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and
ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself,
and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Aquarius:
This group harbors great hopes for world unity and universal brother and sisterhood. An
inner group impulse toward collective awakening and a strongly futuristic, visionary,
evolutionary "dream". On the other hand, increasing globalization and impersonalization of
daily life is strongly at work in their lives. How to contribute to the whole without becoming
a cog in the machine is their quest.
Neptune in 11th house:
Shiloh idealizes her friends, and she may be sorely disappointed from time to time when
they aren't as unselfish, reliable, or devoted as she is apt to be. She's also drawn to a
crowd that may include many "sensitive souls", musicians, or artists. Little by little, she
needs to become more objective and realistic about people so that she isn't taken
advantage of.
Pluto in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal,
often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place
in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is
compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Sagittarius:
For those born at this time, the order of business is the destruction of old, limiting
concepts, philosophies, religious forms, and ideas about God or the nature of the Universe.
At the same time, religious fanatics, extremists, and evangelical fundamentalists of many
persuasions are likely to rise up quite strongly. There may be much conflict between those
with powerful convictions of one kind or another.
Pluto in 9th house:
This child has an unusal passion for learning, and will develop powerful beliefs and
convictions. For her, education is power, and she will never stop asking questions and
looking for the deeper answers. Her philosophical or religious ideas undergo profound
changes throughout her life, and she may be either funatical or secretive about her ultimate
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006

Birthdays are our Business
Although the official launch of our Kiddiegram site will not be until the next blue moon (June 30th, 2007) we decided to go live with our site today to begin to connect with customers
who hopefully will give us feedback about ordering a report that is calculated on-line.
However, it's not necessary to order a Kiddiegram to enjoy our site. We have an interactive KidSigns section, where you can check out your sun sign with that of your kids, along with KidSigns postcards that you can send as birthday cards or invitations to birthday parties!
We will be adding other Kid Kards soon, so check back with us.
So what is a blue moon?

Once in a blue moon, a decent wolf comes along. Little Red Riding Hood
Once in a Blue Moon ...
is a common way of saying not very often, but what exactly is a Blue Moon? According to the popular definition, it is the second Full Moon to occur in a single calendar month.The average interval between Full Moons is about 29.5 days, whilst the length of an average month is roughly 30.5 days. This makes it very unlikely that any given month will contain two Full Moons, though it does sometimes happen.On average, there will be 41 months that have two Full Moons in every century, so you could say that once in a Blue Moon actually means once every two-and-a-half years."
This new moon information is from
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